
Theodora Chandrinou –school year 2021_2022

The pupils of the 4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece under the supervision of the Art Teacher Theodora Chandrinou participated in the 52nd anniversary of the Earth Day celebration. School year 2021-2022.


Through the activities that we realized the pupils cultivated life skills and environmental awareness. They collaborated with other schools from Greece and other countries and increased personal, social skills. They received experience and new knowledge through experiential learning, with a creative way through Art. They participated in innovative educational projects, National Greek and eTwinning – in collaboration with schools around Europe. They worked on groups and as individuals and learned to disseminate the results of their effort.

Methodology and curricular integration

During the first lessons we had presentations of educational material, video and discussions. The Museum Goulandri, of Natural history is one of sources of educational material.

Our participation in the Environmental Greek net ” Nature without garbage” helped the pupils to enrich knowledge.

The activities were part of the educational innovative projects National Greek, that i have designed this year, dedicated to Environmental issues and Culture.

Furthermore we participate in European educational eTwinning projects and in the framework of our effort we collaborate with schools from other countries.

The pupils worked in the classroom and were encouraged to work in small groups. We used the project method and the process was baded on experiential learning. The art of Printmaking was used as a pedagogical tool. We cultivated lifeskils through Land Art. Fine Arts and Technology were creatively combined. Digital puzzle games were created and played. Cteative recycling through Art.


They were inspired by the Art work of the great Masters of the history of Art. 

The children created group work and Art posters, in order to explore the beauty of  Nature and to share environmental messages.

We created a collaborative album and used interactive web 2.0 tools.

Dissemination and  impact

The pupils enjoyed the participation and through the net they can have a digital version, as feedback.

Congratulations to all the children for their great work!!

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