Our project is awarded with the eTwinning quality label Congratulations to all the participants!!
New Teenagers E.P.e. Project (European Parliament e-Twinning)
Art Teacher Theodora Chandrinou (Θεοδώρα Χανδρινού) -10th Primary School of Amaroussio, Greece
During the school year 2020-2021, my friend from Italy mrs Edelizia Bellatalla invited me to participate in the project. It is an honor to educate my pupils to help them become cooperative under democratic spirit and to cultivate life skills via innovative project and interactive activities.
About the project
A real Parliament will be established among the European students who will join the project. The teenagers will have to vote on the good practices to be observed at school and in society concerning different theme. Each group will propose a topic, it will be discussed, it will be decided by voting through the twinspace pool, the approved law will be applied at school in daily life and published in the “THE MAGAZINE TEENAGERS EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT e-Twinning “.
10th Primary School of Amaroussio, Greece – cooperative activities
You are welcome to visit our padlet
We created posters and video for the promotion of healthy lifestyle and attitides against bullying. We worked all together and collaborated for the prevention of negative behaviours, through the project activities!!
“The Art creations of Lambros Orfanos inspire the pupils – Luna Park” is our video created for sharing cultural heritage artwork. We participated in the code week and exchanged our creations!
Enjoy our video for the Environment Day celebrations!
eTwinning project pages – twin space
You are welcome to visit a part of our creative collaboration.
A creative interconnection between the Greek innovative educational projects was achieved. The titles and links for the results of the projects are:
«Εικαστικές και Περιβαλλοντικές ανασυνθέσεις στον σχολικό χώρο»
“ΧΑΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ ΖΩΗΣ ΜΕ ΟΔΗΓΟ ΤΟ ΕΡΓΟ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΜΠΡΟΥ ΟΡΦΑΝΟΥ» https://blogs.sch.gr/arteducate/2020/12/01/charagmata-zois-me-odigo-to-ergo-toy-lamproy-orfanoy/
Congratulations to all the participants, pupils and Teachers for the perfect collaboration!! You are welcome to Greece!! Thank you very much wholeheartedly!!! Theodora Chandrinou
Συγχαρητήρια σε όλα τα παιδιά και τους εκπαιδευτικούς για την εξαιρετική συνεργασία!!! Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ όλους και σας περιμένουμε στην Ελλάδα!! Με εγκάρδιους χαιρετισμούς, Θεοδώρα Χανδρινού.