
Awarded with Quality Label

“Street Art Magazine”

eTwinning project evaluation

Theodora Chandrinou – Art Teacher and Artist

Θεοδώρα Χανδρινού – Εκπαιδευτικός, Ζωγράφος-Χαράκτρια

Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα eTwinning: “Street Art Magazine”. Το πρόγραμμα ολοκληρώθηκε και εκ των αποτελεσμάτων βεβαιώνεται η επιτυχία του. Καλύψαμε όλους τους παιδαγωγικούς στόχους που θέσαμε. Συνεργάστηκα με τους μαθητές μου από το 4ο δημοτικό Σχολείο Ζωγράφου με μαθητές Ελληνικών Σχολείων και Σχολείων άλλων χωρών. Υλοποιήσαμε δραστηριότητες με αποτελεσματικότητα και εργαστήκαμε  πάνω στην καλλιέργεια δεξιοτήτων των μαθητών, την Περιβαλλοντική τους ευαισθητοποίηση και την απόκτηση νέων εμπειριών μέσω της Τέχνης και της επικοινωνίας. Οι ιδρυτές του έργου αποδέχθηκαν τις ιδέες που παρουσίασα με τους μαθητές μου και είχαμε γόνιμη συνεργασία, από την αρχή ως το τέλος, ενώ  με εμπιστεύτηκαν ως διαχειριστή του έργου. Καταφέραμε να λειτουργήσουμε, όλοι μαζί στο έργο,  δημιουργικά με φανερό ενθουσιασμό, είχαμε διάδραση κι αλληλεπίδραση σε όλες τις δραστηριότητες που υλοποιήθηκαν. Με τους μαθητές μου και τους συνεργάτες του έργου η επικοινωνία ήταν πολύ καλή και η συμμετοχή των παιδιών  ενεργή. Το έργο εμπλουτίστηκε καθώς σχεδίασα και εκδηλώσεις eTwinning προσκαλώντας όλα τα μέλη του έργου και φίλους της εκπαιδευτικής κοινότητας. Σημαντικό είναι πως συνδύασα στο έργο δημιουργικά τα Εθνικά προγράμματα που υλοποίησα. Παρουσιάσαμε το υλικό μας σε ανοιχτές για το κοινό εκδηλώσεις κι εκθέσεις Εικαστικών, καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του Σχολικού έτους 2017 -2018. Οι μαθητές αξιολόγησαν το έργο και οι γονείς συνεργάστηκαν  σε πολλές από τις εκδηλώσεις που υλοποιήθηκαν στο Σχολείο. Η συνδρομή του Διευθυντή του Σχολείου μου, 4ου δημοτικού Ζωγράφου, κ. Κωνσταντίνου Πιτταρά διευκόλυνε την υλοποίηση των δραστηριοτήτων παρουσίασης των πεπραγμένων, στο ευρύ κοινό. Υπήρξε ευρύτατη διάχυση των αποτελεσμάτων στην κοινωνία και μέσω διαδικτύου, ενώ τα σχόλια που λάβαμε ήταν εξαιρετικά. Είχαμε την συμπαράσταση κι άψογη συνεργασία των Πρεσβευτών eTwinning, ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες στον κ. Βασίλη Σουβατζόγλου, κι όλη της Ελληνικής ομάδας υποστήριξης.

Ακολουθούν: περιγραφή και ο σκελετός του έργου, ενδεικτικές αποδεικτικές αναφορές με  συνδέσμους κι αξιολόγηση. Δεν είναι γραμμένο το κείμενο στην Ελληνική γλώσσα, αφού θα το προωθήσω στους συνεργάτες του έργου και για διευκόλυνσή τους στη μετάφραση.

Σχετικά με το πρόγραμμα

Το πρόγραμμα είχε στόχο να εκφράσει με μορφές Τέχνης σημαντικά θέματα της κοινωνίας, όπως η ημέρα Μετανάστευσης, η καταπολέμηση του εκφοβισμού, η παιδική ηλικία, η βία εναντίων των γυναικών, τα Χριστούγεννα, το Καρναβάλι, οι ίσες ευκαιρίες , η ημέρα της διαφορετικότητας και πολλά άλλα. Τα παραπάνω θα εμπεριέχονταν σε ψηφιακό περιοδικό το “Street Art Magazine” με υλικό από όλες τις συμμετέχοντες χώρες.


About the project

The project intends to express in art form important issues of society such as Immigration Day, Childhood, Fight against Bullying, Women’s Violence, Legality Day, Christmas, Carnival, Equal Opportunities, Day of Diversity, Internet day.
The kids will draw Street Art accompanied by slogans, and a Street Art magazine will come from countries that will take part in the project.
They will use sharing tools such as Padlet, Prezi, Calameo, Tagul.


Il progetto intende far esprimere in forma artistica temi importanti della società come la Giornata degli Immigrati ,dell’Infanzia, Lotta al bullismo , La violenza sulle donne, la Giornata della legalità, Natale, Carnevale, Pari opportunita’, la Giornata della Diversità, Internet day.
I ragazzi disegneranno Street Art accompagnati da slogan, nascerà una rivista con gli Street Art provenienti dai paesi che prenderanno parte al progetto.
Si utilizzeranno tools di condivisione, come Padlet, Prezi, Calameo, Tagul.


L’obiettivo principale e sensibilizzare gli alunni a temi molto importanti della società attuale acquisendo competenze relative alla madre lingua, lingua straniera, competenze digitali, imparare ad imparare , competenze sociali e civiche , consapevolezza ed espressione culturale.


Si utilizzerà il mezzo espressivo del disegno sotto forma di street art per coinvolgere tutti gli alunni compreso quelli con bisogni educativi speciali, affrontando i temi sociali attuali.
Prima fase OTTOBRE -NOVEMBRE: presentazione degli alunni con padlet ed avatar , illustrazione del progetto, affrontando temi relativi alla società attuale.
Seconda fase DICEMBRE-GENNAIO illustrazione attraverso disegni street art della giornata dei migranti , dell’Infanzia e del Natale
Terza Fase :FEBBRAIO- MARZO Rappresentazione attraverso gli street art delle tradizioni del Carnevale, della giornata della violenza sulle donne, del bullismo e della legalità.
Quarta fase APRILE-MAGGIO Street art, sull’internet day e creazione della rivista digitale STREET ART MAGAZINE e del sito web www.streetartmagazine.webnode.it


Prodotto finale STREET ART MAGAZINE , rivista dedicata agli street art più significativi e Twinspace pubblico e portale web dedicato.

Quality Label eTwinning-Theodora Chandrinou

Quality Label eTwinning-pupil

The 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece participated in the National School Compettion and celebrated Safe Internet day and Mrs Theodora Chandrinou was present in the event organized by the Safer Internet4kids insttution.

Twinning-Day 4th primary School of Zografou, Greece/ Fine Arts Teacher: Theodora Chandrinou

European Year of Cultural Heritage – 2018


In Greece, the project results presented in open to public events and Art exhibitions.

It was a great experience for me as I worked with my pupils in all the project activities.


*Project evaluation / Theodora Chandrinou (proposed the activity and created the twin space page) and the pupils of the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece in collaboration with Edelizia Bellatalla (who created the evaluation padlet).



Μετάβαση στο padlet.com


*My pupils became active and creative citizens, enjoy our creations presented in the ebooks:



ebooks – Our Street Art magazines









Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

* Activity: “Our School”



Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*20Th November 2017 Children’s Rights


Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*Students’ avatars – eTwinning project: “Street Art Magazine”




Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*Activity: “Christmas and New Year celebrations in our countries”(I proposed this activity and together with my pupils we invited partners  to cooperate- Theodora Chandrinou)



Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*2018 warm wishes for the New Year!!!(I proposed this activity and together with my pupils we invited partners  to cooperate – Theodora Chandrinou)


Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*Activity :” 27th Jenuary “Not to forget the genocide of six million Jews”


*Activity: “Human values – Love and Respect”(I proposed this activity and together with my pupils we invited partners  to cooperate)


*Activity:”Friendship – Amistad – Amicizia – Φιλία” (Proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)




*Activity: “The Art of diversity!” (Proposed by Theodora Chandrinou and partners  invited to cooperate)


Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*Activity: “We present ourselves through grafiti paintings” (Together with my pupils I had proposed this activity and we enjoyed it! – Theodora Chandrinou)


We present ourselves! 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece


Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*#SAFEINTERNETDAY# School year 2017-2018 ( I proposed this activity and together with my pupils we invited all friends to cooperate – Theodora Chandrinou)




Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*Activity: “Carnival in ours countries and in ours schools”

Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

*Activity: “EASTER WISHES ALL AROUND THE SCHOOLS!”(I proposed this activity and together with my pupils we invited partners  to cooperate – Theodora Chandrinou)


Μετάβαση στο padlet.com


*Activity: “CELEBRATING MAY WITH FLOWER WREATHS!” ( I proposed this activity and together with my pupils we invited all friends to cooperate – Theodora Chandrinou)


Theodora Chandrinou and the pupils of the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece shared through the facebook School page wishes and their wreath!!!!



It is an honor for me that my efforts were  awarded from  the eTwinning International Education community:

Congratulations to all my pupils that worked so hard and became part of our School success. I really worked from the beginning towards this purpose. We are, now, one of the awarded eTwinning Schools and it is an honor we share!!!

4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece


*My pupils received awards of distinction, for their successful participation in the Greek National Environmental and Art- Cultural projects, in public ceremony in the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece. I was very happy to award all my pupils that participated with me in the projects, national and eTwinning. I use the award as a pedagogical tool and in some cases pupils were motivated.

*In the 4th primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece I was working, from the beginning until the end, in order to achieve  the “eTwinning School label” award, with success.

* I received the “Awarded eTwinner” recognition.

*Our project has the quality label award!


View more about our participation in  the twin space  pages created:

·         THE PROJECT
·         PARTNERS
Where are you from?
Street Art in our town
·         OUR AVATARS
·         EVENTS
·         Christmas and New Year celebrations in our countries
·         27th January “Not to forget the genocide of six million Jews”
·         Human values – Love and Respect
·         Friendship – Amistad – Amicizia – Φιλία
·         We present ourselves through grafiti paintings
·         We celebrate the Safe Internet Day!
·         Carnival in our countries and in our schools
·         WEEK OF LEGALITY 19-25 MARCH
·         Easter wishes all around the Schools!
·         Celebrating May with flower wreaths!
·         Celebrating the “Mother’s day”
·         9th May 2018 e-Twinning Day
·           Project evaluation
 ·         Project dissemination – presentations
            Street Art Magazine Website


Twin space pages – 4th  primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece

participations and collaborations

·         PARTNERS

Where are you from?

·         OUR AVATARS
·         OUR SCHOOL
·         EVENTS
·         20Th November 2017 Children’s Rights
·         25th November 2017 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
·         The Art of diversity! (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         https://twinspace.etwinning.net/46663/pages/page/299619
·         https://padlet.com/arteducate/c1iy05j6pk3z
·         Christmas and New Year celebrations in our countries (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
 27th Jenuary “Not to forget the genocide of six million Jews”
·         Human values – Love and Respect(proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         Friendship – Amistad – Amicizia – Φιλία (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         We present ourselves through grafiti paintings (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou) 
·         We celebrate the Safe Internet Day! (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)



·         Carnival in our countries and in our schools


·         WEEK OF LEGALITY 19-25 MARCH
·         Easter wishes all around the Schools! (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         Celebrating May with flower wreaths! (proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         Celebrating the “Mother’s day”(proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         9th May 2018 e-Twinning Day
·         Project evaluation(proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
·         Project dissemination – presentations(proposed by Theodora Chandrinou)
Cultural heritage
·         Street Art Magazine Website




Λήψη αρχείου


Μετάβαση στο padlet.com

Thank you!!  Ευχαριστώ!!

Τα σχόλια είναι κλειστά.

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