
Promotion of healthy lifestyles during education 

eTwinning project 2018 -2019


   Quality label Award  – Theodora Chandrinou

About the project

The project is for students aged 11 to 20+. The time period is September 2018 – June 2019 (Three phases of the project). Participants will improve understanding and importance of healthy lifestyles for the overall development of personality and further life. Participants will acquire knowledge about health, learn about their own educational system and health education in their own school, as well as learn about the educational system and health education of other countries in the project. All project members will interact and collaborate. Participants will analyze the factors that threaten health.


Teachers will improve their competencies, like language skills, ICT skills and cross-curricular cooperation. This project will contribute to the School Development Plan.
Students will improve their language skills, cooperation, ICT skills. They will learn to appreciate their own and other cultures and respect differences.Their motivation will be better as well as self-confidence. Students will participate in peer education, they will have the opportunity to become educators and promoters of healthy lifestyles.
Each school will improve their relations with parents of students, local community and institutions.
Our main objectives are to examine the educational systems and health education in our own and in our partner schools’ countries, comparing their strengths and weaknesses and to discuss and compare programs of organized health education and different ways of promoting healthy lifestyles. The aim is to foster cooperation among students from different countries.

Project process

In addition to two founders, we will include more schools in order to develop the project. We will have the same topic and the same method of work and similar products. Students will create products and teachers will help them. We will post them on eTwinning, school sites and in other media. In the final phase all schools will work together and the students of each school in the project will create digital products.
First phase: -Health education programs within the compulsory education, -Health education through extracurricular activities, Second phase: Factors that affect health (physical activity, nutrition, fresh air, mental health, tooth health, reproductive health, family health, prevention of infectious diseases),-Preparation and realization of students’ actions for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, The third phase: -Final exhibition, concert, digital products, evaluation, dissemination. All activities include cooperation between schools.


Students are expected to benefit by their participation. They are expected to share this new awareness with other students and schools by means of various actions. Students are expected to create a joint action to promote healthy lifestyles, to create volunteer action at school and outside school. The final product will be a digital newspaper with students’ works, All products will be presented in Twinspace and school sites and other media. In all schools teachers will improve their competencies (language, ICT, methods) and their colleagues will be motivated to join in.


20th primary School of Aigaleo, Athens, Greece



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Cooperative activities among project parters.


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*Healthy meals

Activities that I have designed for the project and the Schools accepted and collaborated through the twin space pages created for that purpose:


Getting to know our world!


20th primary School of Aigaleo, Athens, Greece



Foto archive by Theodora Chandrinou /  Φωτογραφικό αρχείο Θεοδώρας Χανδρινού

code week

We invite all partners to visit worth-seeing sites in the capital of Greece.



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