M.C.Escher : arte e geometria in gioco – eTwinning project
Awarded with Quality Label
We are very happy for the great collaboration we had in the project! We had great interaction, knowledge received and exchanged.
I wish to thank wholeheartedly especially our friends from Italy Irene Confalone and Rosalba Maria Confalone for the invitation. Also we want to thank so much all the paticipating members Teachers and pupils for the excellent cooperation and for the interaction and the activites we exchanged!!!
With my pupils from the 1st primary School of Pefki, Athens, Greece we send our best regards to all our friends. We also invite the blog visitors to explore the wtin space pages created:
The project
- Mail and Skype address
- Our school addresses
- Ready, steady, go! Siamo pronti? Partiamo!
- STEP 1: Student’s padlet:Let’s introduce yourself!
- Hour of code: Artist
- Arte e Festività
- La mag(i)a della Terra: arte e tradizione all’ ombra di Escher
- Escher style & special needs
- Videoconferenza skype del 24/02/2017
- Step 3:We create our Logo
- Step 6: Questionario di gradimento alunni (italiano)
- Step 6: Evaluation
- Step 5:Our flash mobs
- Summer wishes and great eTwinning friendships!!!
- Video e ebook per sintetizzare
- Creative dialogue through the work of M.C. Escher
- Griglia Valutazione globale
With my Greek pupils we had cooperation in all the activites that the project partners from the other Schools designed and I also designed padlets for my pupils and we shared htem so we interacted though the twin space pages with the other Schools:
We also exchanged material and collaborated in twin space pages:
And we also cooperated in the activity:
We evaluated the project usinf wordart:
Thank you for the collaboartion!!!