“Send me your e-heart!” Our innovative eTwinning project has already succeeded the main aims and the pupils exchanged wishes, emotions and feelings. The evaluation of the project activities was achieved with success and happiness among the participating Schools. We share a part of the creations that were realized by the pupils. In order to express with the best way the great experience that we all had we used different ICT web tools and Art techniques!!
Through the web we disseminated the results and made visible the precious collaboration among the participants!!
We are happy to share the results of our great collaboration!!!! “The colourful hearts” is our great team and we hope to co-operate again in the future eTwinning projects!! Thank you wholeheartedly!!!
Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους, είμαστε εξαιρετική ομάδα!!! Θα συνεχίσουμε στο μέλλον τις συνεργασίες μας γιατί οι φιλία μας έγινε δυνατότερη!! Σας ευχαριστώ ολόψυχα!! Θεοδώρα Χανδρινού
Dissemination of the project results – twinspace pages:
“Send me your e-heart! eTwinning project evaluation and feedback activities”
Congratulations to all our project team partners “The colourful hearts”!
You can see more of our effort and the educational material that was created by following the link:
Ολοκλήρωση και απολογισμός Εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων σχολικού έτους 2020 – 2021
Thank you very much!!
Theodora Chandrinou