
eTwinning project: Recycling through art

This project is designed for students from 10 to 16 years old.
The profile of the project is based on active experiential learning. We are going to probe the interdisciplinary and integrated perspective on Environmental Education in relation with Visual Arts Education. Through our project we are going to underline the value of Aesthetic culture on shaping a healthy coexistence of people in the modern environment and create critical thinking personalities.

Pedagogic objectives – Important aims of the project are:
• Environmental sensitization. To motivate children and help them become creative and active on the topic.
• For the students to comprehend the relation of interaction of people and their energies in relation to the environment.
• To learn about ways of protection and improvement of Environmental problems through Recycling.
• The exploitation of Fine Arts Education in the Aesthetic physique through the use of different materials.
• To increase the students imagination and creativity by using different techniques and materials, as well as the freedom of expression.
• To help children get familiarized with foreign languages.
• The growth of dexterities personal and social, through the collaboration and the communication, aiming at the creation of conscience of “active citizens”.
• To create critical thinking personalities, through art education and transformative learning process.

• “Introduction το our project”, we are going to use the safe Twin Space platform for exchanging the activities.
• “We present ourselves” – we use mixed techniques.
• “We learn about Recycling”. Children receive knowledge and search for informations about the topic and create educational material.
• “The recycling tree”. We are going to create imaginary sculptures on the shape of a tree and put on our messages.
• “The students organize and present works”, use the project method to learn, about the topic and share knowledge with the others.
• “Art creations and emotions”. It is going to become the bases for the Teachers to apply Emotional Education. Our students are going to use recyclable materials, such as papers, aluminium, plastic bottles, glass, to create dolls and puppets. With those toys we will present theatrical games in classroom.
• “Seasonal creations and ideas”.
• “A game”.
• “Interactive events and exchanging of materials”.

• We are going to create a TwinSpace open to public and a blog . For our students’ to present their creations: videos, audios, presentations etc.
• Seasonal creations and exchanging of materials through digital form archieves and traditional post.
• We are going to organize exhibitions in our School event Halls and events open to School community and to public. Also, we are going to participate in interactive activities in collaboration with other Schools in national and international level.

The journey started  when Esperanza Caro from Madrid, Spain accepted the invitation of Theodora Chandrinou from Athens, Greece to participate in the “Recycling through Art” project and the main activities as a base. Thanks to our friendship and both Fine Arts Artists and Teachers we designed this project with respect and responsibility.
We invited our colleagues to participate and the project gave fruitful results for the benefits of our students.We worked all together and we managed to get the best out of the children.
We thank all the participants, students and teachers, for the perfect collaboration we had.
Special thanks to Irene Confalone from Italy for her remarkable co-operation.

You are invited to visit the twin space platform and explore the pages created, open to everyone.



Project Results:



We hope to inspire you!

Pupils Award - Quality labelTheodora Chandrinou - Quality label


Land Art


This Greek project designed by Theodora Chandrinou  is the base for the eTwinning project.

Project links in twin space eTwinning platform:

We invite you to visit our twin space pages:

All the best and congratulations to all participating members!!!

Theodora Chandrinou

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