The European Union, in order to tackle the continuous increasing demand for a modernised education, established a series of community programmes for young people. These programmes’ main target is to improve the quality of young individuals’ quality of education as well as to improve their training, preparing them in the most suitable manner for their professional adult life.
These programmes enhance the collaboration between Universities and Pubic Educational Institutions, of the member states of the European Union, supporting at the same time, the development of common study and work programmes. Moreover, they enable students and teachers to interact with each other improving their comprehension of other institutions’ processed whilst broadening their notion of modernised education.
The expected outcomes of the entire procedure are:
• The development of a European dimension to all educational levels.
• The exchange of educational information within discussions of general teaching principals between educators.
• The general sharing of teaching methods, educational material and new technologies.
The vital objective of all the activities is to prepare young individuals to live and develop themselves to a holistic European society, increasingly characterized by cultural and lingual diversity.
These programmes are of major importance for students, teachers, academics, educators, various educational institutions, especially targeting the student population, young men and women, who due to objective and subjective difficulties, have special educational needs.