Posted in 6th Grade, School Paper Articles

KARAGIOZIS – English School Paper, February 2011 Issue

by Evaggelia Zaharaki (6th grade)

When I was four years old, very small, I used to watch Karagiozis, a shadow puppet of a popular Greek shadow play. This theatre is very funny and I love it very much. They played Karagiozis, Aglaia, uncle-George and other characters whose names I don’t remember! Karagiozis is a lazy, poor man and has got a lot of laziness. His wife is Aglaia, who sometimes asks Karagiozis to do a lot of chores, but he doesn’t do them! He wants to be lazy for life!


I am an appointed English teacher in a public Greek Primary School. I have studied English Language and Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and I own a Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching (University of Patras, Greece). I have worked in private English Language schools in Greece for 5 years after my graduation from the university and, since 2003, I’ve been working in the Greek public sector. I was born in Lamia, Greece, and I now live with my husband and daughter in Almyros, Greece.

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