I don’t know about your teaching context, but posters seem to be our favourite project in my school, especially if learners are urged to work collaboratively on them! Every time we get to the 2nd unit of our 5th grade Pupil’s Book, my learners are very excited to create food posters! They use magazines, leaflets, markers and crayons, they add a lot of imagination and give it all they’ve got with colourful cardboard backgrounds, stickers and glitter! The moment their posters are on the school noticeboard they attract everybody’s attention and positive comments and our corridors gain a more personal and familiar touch! I am so proud of their work and contribution to this beautiful, educational and inspiring result!
Category: 5th Grade
We’ve got news for you!
“We’ve got news for you” is the title of the eTwinning project we are involved in this year with the 4th, 5th and 6th learners of the Primary School of Efxeinoupoli, Greece. This project aspires to involve many European learners in the exchange of English school newspapers and the creation of a common newspaper as the end-product of this creative collaboration! Participant learners are invited to write and read English with a real-life purpose and they also have the opportunity to interact via Twinspace, improving thus their communication and ICT along with their writing and reading skills! Practising skills simulates real-life communication in a fun-filled project that helps everyone realize the emergence of English as an international language and expand their horizons. Learners also have the opportunity to feel like citizens of the world, members of a vast community, outside the barriers of their local surroundings. Using English as the vehicle, this project has been designed to provide useful insight on their peers’ daily routine, interests, customs and mentality, allowing everyone thus to become more tolerant with diversity.
The first issue of our newspaper has been completed and posted on the school blog and we are currently in the process of completing the second issue! For each issue we have tried to exploit the written assignments suggested by our coursebooks, in an attempt to make writing more meaningful and address our readers with topics of their interest. Greek learners have submitted their articles asynchronously, via eclass, and the teacher has corrected and edited the issue. Here is our first issue:
Primary School of Efxeinoupoli, Greece
Learners participating in this project have done an exceptional job in their first issues and Greek learners are very excited to be involved in this exchange! Please, take some time to read their articles and feel free to share them with your learners! Here are their impressive issues in random order:
Laboratório de Línguas, Portugal
CEIP Bec de L’Àguila, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Spain
Kasaba Şehit Yusuf Polat Yatılı Bölge Ortaokulu, Turkey
Scoala Gimnaziala “Sfantul Andrei”, Romania
ОШ “Стеван Немања”, Serbia:
Our second issues are on the way and they’re full of surprises! If you liked our first attempt, do not miss the following post with the upcoming European English school newspapers!
Easter fun for Greek English-Language learners
Physical distancing and long distance teaching have brought forward the best of Greek teachers who seem to have become Web Tool experts in just a few days and struggle to do their best for their learners! In an attempt to create presentable, interactive, educational and entertaining Easter collections for all my classes this year, Thinglink was the web tool that came first to my mind, as it gives teachers the opportunity to integrate links of useful videos and tasks, as well as interactive activities they have probably created themselves using other Web Tools (like LearningApps in my case)! In this post you will find all my Easter Fun collections in one place and you are free to use them in you feel that they meet your learners’ needs!
Easter Fun for Greek 2nd Grade learners
Easter Fun for Greek 3rd Grade learners
Easter fun for Greek 4th Grade learners
Easter fun for Greek 5th Grade learners
Easter Fun for Greek 5th Graders!
Another Thinglink interactive image, for my 5th Graders this time! If your 5th Graders are anything like mine, I think they will love it! Feel free to use it!
As part of the English lessons, the 5th grade learners of the Primary School of Efxeinoupoli are taking part in the European eTwinning project which is called “Green Magicians with Superpowers”. The schools we are currently working with are from Croatia, Spain, Romania and Turkey.
Prior to proceeding with our project which is related to the flora of our area, our 5th grade learners have worked in our school computer lab in order to co-edit with their European partners a cooperative online presentation that includes information regarding their school! This way they have managed to familiarize themselves with the cooperative webtool that allows them to create presentations, they have had the opportunity to present their school to a real audience practicing their English productive skills and they have acquired information regarding the partner schools while reading English with a real-life purpose.
The end-product of this collaborative effort is demonstrated in the following video:
English Irregular Verbs … Every English Language learner I know and anyone that has ever been a learner of it can tell you numerous stories on how boring and torturing it has or it had been to memorize the past tense of the irregular verbs in English! And just when they thought they had been over with this long list, there came the third column with the past participle, only to make matters worse, more complicated and more boring! Well, being an English Language learner myself back in the … (let’s just say) years of no internet or any other realia in the classroom, I can still remember these long afternoons with my mum dictating the verbs, me writing the two columns and then studying the whole list again to memorize what had not been successfully memorized … ugh …
Being a huge fan of interactive notebooks and having already used them in tutoring my daughter (plural nouns, demonstratives, subject/object pronouns and possessive adjectives), I have decided to exploit their educational and recreational value in order to create a lapbook this time! Using an A4 size folder with a rubber band, we created together a lapbook that was actually fun to make, engaging to fill in and easy to use as a resource or revision! First, we started cutting and gluing the templates that I had made for this reason (after categorizing the verbs in terms of their irregular forms, I created a template that would best serve our needs)! You can download the templates here and print them in colour A4 size paper, if you like:
Then, using our course book, my daughter filled in the past tense and past participle forms of the irregular forms after flipping each piece of paper!
The categorization of the verbs helped her a lot to first guess the form and then verify it with the help of her course book! Therefore, she said that she studied them while doing the task! When she finished, she decorated the cover of the folder and kept it in her bookcase, saying that she prefers to study them from this lapbook rather than the coursebook! A few weeks later, she decided that it would be more helpful to stick it on the wall, so that she can refer to it more easily when needed! And, in case you wonder, no, she did not memorize everything perfectly in one teaching session, but she liked studying them this way and she does not sigh in despair when we refer to irregular verbs and that is awesome!
Lapbooks in general have proved to be the kind of materials that
- help learners achieve a higher level of retention,
- can be adjusted to any curriculum,
- are able to drift learners along paths of excitement and creativity,
- motivate learners to write,
- involve all learners, of all ages and levels and
- portray the learner’s personal taste, making them thus more attractive to use and objects to take pride in!
These are only some of the benefits of lapbooking, as they have been presented in numerous articles and, anyone who regularly uses them, has probably a few more to add! Yes, it took some time to categorize, set up the templates and print everything to be ready for the lesson, but the actual cutting, gluing, filling in of the correct forms and decorating took no longer than a teaching hour that would have probably been even more entertaining and involving if we had the chance to work on it in pairs, or in a group! Therefore, this is something that we can probably try with the 5th and 6th grades of the Greek public Primary School, provided that we can obtain the necessary materials and maybe do some cutting on our own, before introducing the activity to our learners, so as to keep it restrained in one teaching session!
English Breakfast at school has been a tradition at whichever Primary School I have ever been appointed to for years! When my 5th graders reach Unit 3 at the listening task that shows pictures of some children making pancakes as a surprise breakfast for their parents, that is when my learners are introduced to the fact that it is their turn this year to enjoy English Breakfast at school!
This school year, my 5th graders at the Primary School of Efxeinoupoli, Greece, had been completely unaware of this tradition I have been following, as I am their new English teacher! When we reached this page some time after the Christmas holidays and my learners were presented with the idea of having English breakfast at school, they were so excited and could not wait for the time to enjoy it to come! However, it was necessary to allow some time to inform their parents and get their consent for the learners’ participation, therefore we proceeded with the necessary official paperwork (please, feel free to request a copy of the consent form, should you need it! This is its online version and it has been slightly altered in the printed version for the parents to sign!)!
Before I start describing what a great and educational experience it has been, let me note that it is not very difficult (or expensive) to organize such an event at school, as most of the schools already have a room for learners to have lunch in. You only have to be prepared to do all the cooking! Our English breakfast normally includes tea, milk with cereals, chocolate chip muffins and pancakes – these last two delicacies will keep you busy in the kitchen, depending on the number of the learners you have to cook for! If you are lucky enough to have a cooker available in school, perhaps you can add eggs and bacon in the menu – unfortunately we could not! Learners are usually asked to bring a cup, a bowl and a tablespoon for the cereals, some fresh milk, honey and/or praline, whereas you, the teacher, (or the school) can provide for the cereals (regular corn flakes), the tea, plates, forks, paper tablecloths, muffins, pancakes and, of course, the pancakes recipe printed in Greek for two reasons: their mums are going to ask for it and/or you can use it as homework (ask them to write the recipe in English for the school blog, for an English-speaking friend, a padlet wall, etc)! Here is the recipe card we used this time:
English breakfast, this year, occured twice in our school, on two different dates, due to the fact that there are two 5th grade classes at the Primary School of Efxeinoupoli. I am not sure that words can describe the excitement and the satisfaction of everybody involved and the discussion we all had on the nutritional value of breakfast as a meal was interactive, educational and eye-opening to many of my learners – as they themselves have stated! All learners have participated and it is really worth emphasizing how organized, helpful and disciplined they have been throughout the process! Here are some shots of this unique experience for all of us:
You can also check out our school blog post and our padlet wall where now my 5th grade learners are invited to post their thoughts on their experience of the English breakfast at school, as well as the English version of the Pancakes Recipe I gave them in Greek!
A Day in the Life of a Greek 5th Grader!
What is a day in the life of a Greek fifth-grader like? Here is what some of our fifth-graders at the Primary School of Efxinoupoli have stated (click on the link below):
It is worth noting that the learners themselves have used padlet as a tool to publish their work, either in the school computer lab or from home! They seemed really enthusiastic about the fact that they were doing the project addressing a real-life audience for a change and not just submitting it to get a mark by the teacher! Finally, they claimed that they love the fact that they can read each other’s project and get ideas!
Vocabulary learning is a significant part of language learning. The more words a student learns, the better s/he becomes at receptive (reading and listening) as well as productive (writing and speaking) skills in the target language!
Every learner has his/her own way of studying/learning/consolidating new vocabulary. If you travel back to the times when you were a learner, you will definitely find you or your fellow classmates writing words in notebooks, making your own dictionaries with new words and their definitions, repeating words in an attempt to memorize them, or grouping them based on their meaning. And, no matter which strategy you followed back then, almost all of them leave you with a sense of dullness, exhaustion and/or vainness.
Nowadays, learners have the opportunity to work with new vocabulary in many more interesting ways, provided that they are willing to devote some time, have access to a computer with internet connection and are introduced to the right sites to refer to in order to pursue vocabulary enrichment. This year, at the Primary School of Efxeinoupoli, Magnesia, Greece, we are trying to make vocabulary learning and revision a bit more fun, by exploiting the Digital School and Photodendro! Learners will be introduced to specific links suggested by the enriched version of the digital school book and found at the digital educational repository called Photodendro.
Having, for instance, introduced the very first pages of the Unit 1 in the 5th and 6th grades, learners now have the opportunity to visit the school blog and practice with different vocabulary tasks related to the lessons we had in the aforementioned classes. To be more precise, 5th graders are invited to practice email reading and writing, and vocabulary related to computer parts, whereas 6th graders have the opportunity to revise countries and nationalities, as well as flags and Geography!
All of my 5th and 6th grade learners promised to work on these tasks as they were intrigued when they were presented with their content today and they said they would have plenty of time to devote over the weekend! And, although it is too soon to tell how this whole effort goes, their wide open, sparkling eyes tell me that vocabulary learning and revision may become indeed more fascinating and effective!
Have a great weekend, everyone! 😉
English Breakfast at school has been a tradition at the Primary School of Sourpi for three years! When our 5th graders reach Unit 3 at the listening task that shows pictures of some children making pancakes as a surprise breakfast for their parents, that is when they realize that it is their turn this year to enjoy English Breakfast at school!
We reached this page some time before the Christmas holidays, however we decided to organize the breakfast in January, as we were very busy at the time! Unfortunately, an accident kept me away from school for three weeks after the holidays and, when I got back, I had to walk on crutches! To make a long story short, today was finally the great day for the English breakfast at school!
And before I describe how great it was, let me note that it is not very difficult (or expensive) to organize such an event at school, as most of the schools already have a room for learners to have lunch. You only have to be prepared to do all the cooking! Our English breakfast includes tea, milk with cereals, chocolate chip muffins and pancakes – these last two delicacies will keep you busy in the kitchen, depending on the number of the learners you have to cook for! Learners are asked to bring a bowl and a tablespoon for the cereals, honey and/or praline, whereas you (or the schools) can provide for the fresh milk, the cereals, the tea, plastic plates, forks and cups, paper tablecloths, muffins, pancakes and, of course, the pancakes recipe printed in Greek for two reasons: their mums are going to ask for it and/or you can use it as homework (ask them to write the recipe in English for the school blog, for an English-speaking friend, etc)! Here is the recipe card we used today:
This year, our English breakfast at school was warmly welcomed by the 5th grade learners who had been patiently looking forward to it for so long! They helped with the setting of the table during the first break and, when the time came, they allowed me to serve tea and milk with cereals. While they were trying their tea, we discussed the undeniable nutritional value of breakfast as a meal and we compared what English and Greek people normally have for breakfast. While we were discussing, chocolate chip muffins appeared on the table and the excitement cannot be put into words! And as they were trying their muffin, pancakes were served! And, although they could try them with honey, since we stressed (and they already know) that it is lighter and healthier, all pancakes were covered in praline in no time! I wish I could show you their faces in a video … pure joy and excitement! Pancakes really impressed them! They found them delicious and stated that they fell full with only one pancake!
Here are some pictures of our English breakfast today:
And here are some links to other English breakfasts at different schools:
Primary School of Sourpi, 2014
Primary School of Pteleos, 2011
Σούρπη, Τ.Κ. 37008
email: mail@dim-sourp.mag.sch.gr
τηλ. 24220-31420
Πληροφορίες: Βιβή Χαμηλού (ΠΕ06)
Διαγωνισμός Ζωγραφικής
Οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες της Ε΄ Τάξης του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Σούρπης σας προσκαλούν σε μια περιβαλλοντική δράση που έχει κυρίως σαν σκοπό την ευαισθητοποίηση των κατοίκων της περιοχής του Καλλικρατικού Δήμου Αλμυρού σε θέματα προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος, αλλά κυρίως αναφορικά με την ανακύκλωση.
Πιο αναλυτικά, η πρωτοβουλία αυτή ξεκίνησε από το πέμπτο κεφάλαιο του βιβλίου Αγγλικών της Ε΄ Τάξης, όπου οι μαθητές καλούνται να προτείνουν τι θα μπορούσε να κάνει ένα σχολείο για την προώθηση της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος. Οι φετινοί μαθητές της Ε΄ Τάξης, έφτιαξαν αρχικά κατασκευές από ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά, αλλά εξέφρασαν την επιθυμία να περάσουν ένα μήνυμα και εκτός σχολείου για την ανακύκλωση και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος γενικά.
Μετά από ιδεοκαταιγισμό μέσα στην τάξη, καταλήξαμε να διοργανώνουμε και με πολλή χαρά να σας προσκαλούμε να συμμετέχετε στο διαγωνισμό ζωγραφικής με θέμα “Making our planet a better place to live in”, απευθυνόμενο σε όλους τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριες των Ε΄ Τάξεων του Καλλικρατικού Δήμου Αλμυρού.
Οι όροι του διαγωνισμού κοινοποιούνται ταυτόχρονα στα δημοτικά σχολεία της περιοχής μας και επισυνάπτονται στο παρόν μήνυμα. Σε εκδήλωση που θα γίνει σε ημερομηνία που θα ανακοινωθεί μετά τις διακοπές του Πάσχα, θα βραβευτούν με μετάλλια – προσφορά του Συλλόγου Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων – τα τρία πρώτα έργα ζωγραφικής. Στην εκδήλωση αυτή θα εκτεθούν όλα τα έργα ζωγραφικής που θα συμμετέχουν, αλλά και οι κατασκευές μας από ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά, ενώ παράλληλα θα μοιραστεί ενημερωτικό υλικό που θα ετοιμάσουμε σχετικά με την ανακύκλωση. Οι φετινοί μαθητές της Ε΄ Τάξης στοχεύουν να περάσουν κυρίως το μήνυμα της ανακύκλωσης σε όλους μας, δεδομένου του ότι η χρήση των μπλε κάδων ανακύκλωσης τόσο στο χωριό τους, όσο και στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Δήμου Αλμυρού φαίνεται να είναι λανθασμένη (ρίψη μη ανακυκλώσιμων υλικών, δεμένες σακούλες μέσα στον κάδο, κτλ), κυρίως λόγω ελλιπούς ενημέρωσης.
Τέλος, οφείλουμε να τονίσουμε ότι με τη δράση αυτή φιλοδοξούμε να ευαισθητοποιήσουμε, όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερους κάθε φορά, πολίτες ώστε να αποκτήσουν φιλική προς το περιβάλλον στάση και συμπεριφορά! Οι μαθητές της Ε΄ Τάξης σας ευχαριστούν προκαταβολικά για το χρόνο σας και για τη στήριξή σας σε αυτή την πρωτότυπη πρωτοβουλία.
Με εκτίμηση,
Οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες της Ε΄ Τάξης (2016-2017) και
Παρασκευή Χαμηλού (Καθηγήτρια Αγγλικής Γλώσσας Δημοτικού Σχολείου Σούρπης, Μαγνησίας)
τηλ. 24220-31420
Ακολουθούν οι όροι του διαγωνισμού:
The 5th Unit of the 5th grade English book invites learners to take action and work on an environmental project. It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that our 5th grade learners worked on a way to reduce their rubbish! They decided to use it, in order to make new, useful objects! Here is what they have proudly presented in class:
Reduce – Reuse – Recycle!
Με σύνθημα το «Reduce – Reuse – Recycle», το πέμπτο κεφάλαιο του βιβλίου των Αγγλικών της Ε΄ Δημοτικού προσκαλεί τους μαθητές να μειώσουν τα σκουπίδια, να ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουν συσκευασίες και υλικά και να ανακυκλώσουν ό,τι μπορεί να ανακυκλωθεί! Οι μαθητές, με αφορμή το μάθημα που προβλημάτισε όλους για την πορεία του πλανήτη μας, μπορούν να ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουν αντικείμενα που θα κατέληγαν στα σκουπίδια και να τα μεταμορφώσουν σε χρηστικά αντικείμενα! Αγαπημένοι μαθητές της Ε΄Τάξης, πάρτε μια ιδέα για το τι μπορείτε να φτιάξετε:
Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε τι έφεραν στο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σούρπης προηγούμενοι μαθητές της Ε΄ και Στ΄ Τάξης!
Have you ever had one of those days during which everybody in class has understood the grammar taught (even commented on how easy it has been), but one or some of your learners seem unable to put it into practice, as they do not remember when to use what? Well, in the public school context, cases like that are normally approached during the break, where learners can be guided individulally and introduced to various ways that will assist their learning (graphs that help them remember, course book pages that present grammar, worksheets for extra practice, links to related online interactive games, etc). If we are lucky, the learners that need our guidance stay at school until 4pm, like we do, and we can work on their problematic areas at their own pace, through role plays, songs, even crafts that will make their learning life easier and more pleasant!
Having said (and done) all these things, right when you think you are a cool teacher that helps her learners get better at English, you see something cooler than what you have been doing all this time! In the afore mentioned challenging case, the cooler approach seems to be far more attractive and bears an attractive name: an interactive notebook! Have you seen these wonderful, colourful, flippable, removable notebook pages that not only present things in English, but also allow you to interact with them and practice? Google search “interactive notebooks” and you will be flooded with articles on their theoretical background, templates, printable patterns and exemplary ideas that will blow your (and your learners’) minds!
Having read all about them and trusting colleagues who have repeatedly used them (Aphro Gkiouris, for instance, who has been a warm supporter of this approach), the first attempt took place at home, as an experiment, exploiting my niece’s aversion towards demonstratives (this, that, these, those). Although she had clearly understood the difference among them, she had been having difficulty in using the correct demostrative while producing the target language! That was when she was invited to take advantage of the … super powers of her own notebook!
Having prepared cardboard cut-outs and printed everything we needed, I glued everything on her notebook which looked like that:
She had the opportunity to visualize the rules by … opening the purple windows:
When we opened the lilac envelope, she found colourful pieces of cardboard paper, showing an object or objects with hands pointing at them from near or far away from them:
And, then, she could play and interact, by placing each object in the correct envelope, based on its number and distance from the hand:
Answering potential questions that may arise after this presentation it is worth noting that: * Yes, it was time-consuming to prepare, but paper-crafting was fun to do, as my daughter kindly offered to help!
* No, it does not cost a lot, as cardboard paper and glue are not expensive. If you do not have a printer, you can always employ your art skills which may give a more personal style to the end-product! * Yes, she got everything right, and, no, we did not have to refer to the grammar rules again! * Yes, she loved it! She clearly stated it and also expressed her willingness to go home and play some more with it! * Yes, it seems addictive! I cannot stop thinking on ways I could adopt this approach in a public primary school classroom with about 20 learners per class (a highly challenging task, all ideas and suggestions are welcomed!!!)
Από την έναρξη της σχολικής χρονιάς 2014-2015, το Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σούρπης συμμετείχε στο Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα eTwinning το οποίο και προωθεί τη συνεργασία μεταξύ των Ευρωπαϊκών σχολείων που έχουν κοινούς παιδαγωγικούς και εκπαιδευτικούς στόχους. Η εργασία με την οποία ασχολήθηκαν οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες των Ε΄ και Στ΄ τάξεων είχε τον τίτλο «Τhe European Schools Newspaper» και τους ενέπλεξε σε μια από κοινού έκδοση εφημερίδας στα αγγλικά με άλλα Ευρωπαϊκά Σχολεία. Με όχημα την τεχνολογία και καύσιμο την όρεξη, την εργατικότητα και τη διάθεση για δημιουργία και επικοινωνία, οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Σούρπης των δύο τελευταίων σχολικών ετών (2014-2015 και 2015-2016) δημιούργησαν συνολικά 8 συνεργατικά τεύχη με τη βοήθεια των Ευρωπαίων συμμαθητών τους.
Με μεγάλη χαρά σας ανακοινώνουμε ότι το συγκεκριμένο έργο έλαβε την Ευρωπαϊκή Ετικέτα Ποιότητας. Η ανακοίνωση της βράβευσης έγινε με το ακόλουθο email, που απευθύνεται στην εκπαιδευτικό Αγγλικής Γλώσσας του σχολείου μας που συντόνισε τα συνεργαζόμενα σχολεία και εκπροσώπησε το δικό μας:
‘Αγαπητή Vivi Hamilou,
Συγχαρητήρια! Το σχολείο σας βραβεύθηκε με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ετικέτα Ποιότητας για την τελειότητα της εργασίας σας στο έργο eTwinning “The European Schools Newspaper”. Αυτό σημαίνει πως η εργασία σας, η εργασία των μαθητών και του σχολείου σας έχει αναγνωριστεί στο υψηλότερο Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.
Σαν αποτέλεσμα, θα λάβετε ένα πιστοποιητικό το οποίο μπορείτε να επισυνάψετε στην ιστοσελίδα σας και να το εκθέσετε σε μία περίοπτη θέση στο σχολείο σας. Επίσης, το έργο σας θα εμφανιστεί σε έναν ειδικό χώρο της Ευρωπαϊκής Διαδικτυακής Πύλης στο www.etwinning.net.
Για μία ακόμη φορά, συγχαρητήρια για αυτό το μοναδικό επίτευγμα και ελπίζω να συναντηθούμε σε κάποια από τις εκδηλώσεις eTwinning κατά τη διάρκεια του έτους.
Με τους καλύτερους χαιρετισμούς μου
eTwinning Team’
Πολλά συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριες των Ε΄ και Στ΄ τάξεων του σχολείου μας των σχολικών ετών 2014-2015 και 2015-2016, στους εκπαιδευτικούς που συνεργάστηκαν, αλλά και στη Διεύθυνση και τους εκπαιδευτικούς του Σχολείου μας για τη διαρκή υποστήριξη και ενίσχυση της όλης προσπάθειας!
Με πολύ όρεξη και μεράκι, ολοκληρώθηκε το 8ο τεύχος της σχολικής μας εφημερίδας στα Αγγλικά με τους μαθητές του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Σούρπης! Μαζί με τους Ευρωπαίους φίλους μας, ετοιμάσαμε ένα καλοκαιρινό τεύχος, σε μια προσπάθεια να γνωριστούμε ακόμη καλύτερα, να διευρύνουμε τους ορίζοντές μας και να εξασκηθούμε στα Αγγλικά! Το δικό μας 5σέλιδο στο καλοκαιρινό τεύχος περιλαμβάνει δραστηριότητες που φτιάξαμε στο διαδίκτυο εκμεταλλευόμενοι λεξιλόγιο και φράσεις που μυρίζουν καλοκαίρι! Δείτε εδώ τις σελίδες του όγδοου τεύχους της εφημερίδας μας «The European Schools Newspaper»:
Για αυτή τη σχολική χρονιά, οι Ευρωπαίοι μαθητές εργάζονται συνεργατικά πληκτρολογώντας τα άρθρα της εφημερίδας τους ταυτόχρονα σε ένα κοινό αρχείο googledocs (διαδικτυακός συνεργατικός κειμενογράφος) ή πληκτρολογώντας τα άρθρα τους σε Word Processor και επικολλώντας τα στο συνεργατικό εργαλείο googledocs! Προσεχώς θα σας παρουσιάσουμε την ηλεκτρονική εκδοχή του συνεργατικού μας τεύχους!
Με πολύ όρεξη και μεράκι, ολοκληρώθηκε το 7ο τεύχος της σχολικής μας εφημερίδας στα Αγγλικά! Μαζί με τους Ευρωπαίους φίλους μας, παρουσιάσαμε τις αγαπημένες μας δραστηριότητες κατά τον ελεύθερο χρόνο μας, αλλά και οδηγίες για εύκολες κατασκευές, σε μια προσπάθεια να γνωριστούμε ακόμη καλύτερα, να διευρύνουμε τους ορίζοντές μας και να εξασκηθούμε στα Αγγλικά! Δείτε εδώ τις σελίδες του έβδομου τεύχους της εφημερίδας μας «The European Schools Newspaper»:
Για αυτή τη σχολική χρονιά, οι Ευρωπαίοι μαθητές εργάζονται συνεργατικά πληκτρολογώντας τα άρθρα της εφημερίδας τους ταυτόχρονα σε ένα κοινό αρχείο googledocs (διαδικτυακός συνεργατικός κειμενογράφος) ή πληκτρολογώντας τα άρθρα τους σε Word Processor και επικολλώντας τα στο συνεργατικό εργαλείο googledocs! Δείτε παρακάτω ολόκληρο το συνεργατικό μας 7ο τεύχος:
Superstitions in Europe – eTwinning – Δημ. Σχολείο Πτελεού
Συνεχίζοντας την αναζήτησή μας στις προκαταλήψεις του τόπου μας, προκειμένου να τις μοιραστούμε με τους Ευρωπαίους συμμαθητές μας, κατηγοριοποιήσαμε τις υπάρχουσες προκειμένου να μπορέσουμε να τις παρουσιάσουμε καλύτερα. Αυτό τον καιρό δουλεύουμε με τις προκαταλήψεις που σχετίζονται με ζώα! Δουλεύοντας συνεργατικά με τους Ευρωπαίους συμμαθητές μας, ‘κρεμάμε’ στον ακόλουθο ηλεκτρονικό τοίχο τις προκαταλήψεις που σχετίζονται με ζώα, προκειμένου να παρουσιάσουμε τις δικές μας, αλλά και να μάθουμε τις δικές τους!
Θα χαρούμε πολύ να μας ενημερώσετε αν υπάρχουν κάποιες που παραλείψαμε εκ παραδρομής ή λόγω άγνοιας!
Διαβάστε ΕΔΩ περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την εργασία μας για τις προκαταλήψεις που γίνεται στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος eTwinning.
Δείτε ΕΔΩ την πρώτη κατηγορία προκαταλήψεων που παρουσιάσαμε και σχετίζονται με αντικείμενα του σπιτιού!
Με πολύ όρεξη και μεράκι, ολοκληρώθηκε το 5ο τεύχος της σχολικής μας εφημερίδας στα Αγγλικά! Μαζί με τους Ευρωπαίους φίλους μας, παρουσιάσαμε τη χώρα μας, σε μια προσπάθεια να γνωριστούμε ακόμη καλύτερα, να διευρύνουμε τους ορίζοντές μας και να εξασκηθούμε στα Αγγλικά! Δείτε εδώ τις σελίδες του πέμπτου τεύχους της εφημερίδας μας «The European Schools Newspaper», όπου παρουσιάζουμε τη Θεσσαλία και τη Στερεά Ελλάδα (τα υπόλοιπα συνεργαζόμενα ελληνικά διαμερίσματα ανέλαβαν άλλα διαμερίσματα για να μην επαναλαμβανόμαστε στους Ευρωπαίους φίλους μας!):
Για αυτή τη σχολική χρονιά, οι Ευρωπαίοι μαθητές εργάζονται συνεργατικά πληκτρολογώντας τα άρθρα της εφημερίδας τους ταυτόχρονα σε ένα κοινό αρχείο googledocs (διαδικτυακός συνεργατικός κειμενογράφος) ή πληκτρολογώντας τα άρθρα τους σε Word Processor και επικολλώντας τα στο συνεργατικό εργαλείο googledocs!
Προκατάληψη είναι η πεποίθηση εκείνη που δεν στηρίζεται σε λογική επιχειρηματολογία και υποστηρίζεται συνήθως από τις παραδόσεις, περνώντας από γενιά σε γενιά. Υπολαμβάνεται ως μια γνώμη ή ένα σύνολο γνωμών ή ακόμα και ως ολόκληρη θεωρία η οποία έχει σχηματισθεί κατά έναν μη επιστημονικό τρόπο κοινώς αποδεκτό, αλλά και μια τοποθέτηση που περιλαμβάνει συναισθήματα (φόβο, περιφρόνηση, απέχθεια κ.α.). Πολλές Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες έχουν προκαταλήψεις, οι οποίες κατά ένα μεγάλο μέρος πηγάζουν από τις θρησκευτικές πεποιθήσεις.
Φέτος, οι μαθητές των τριών τελευταίων τάξεων του σχολείου μας μαζί με την καθηγήτρια Αγγλικών, κα Παρασκευή Χαμηλού, αποφάσισαν να ασχοληθούν με την παρουσίαση των Ελληνικών και τοπικών προκαταλήψεων και να γνωρίσουν τις αντίστοιχες των Ευρωπαίων συμμαθητών τους. Το έργο αυτό εντάσσεται στο Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα ηλεκτρονικής αδελφοποίησης eTwinning και φιλοδοξεί να εμπλέξει τους Ευρωπαίους μαθητές στην καταγραφή και τον διαμοιρασμό των εθνικών τους προκαταλήψεων, αποσκοπώντας στη βελτίωση της παραγωγής γραπτού λόγου και κατανόησης γραπτού κειμένου στα Αγγλικά, στην εξοικείωση με την τεχνολογία και τους άλλους πολιτισμούς και στην καλλιέργεια της ανοχής στη διαφορετικότητα.
Ο τίτλος του εν λόγω eTwinning έργου είναι Superstitions in Europe. Τα μέχρι τώρα συνεργαζόμενα σχολεία είναι τα ακόλουθα: Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi Nr 40 im. Mieszka I w Poznaniu (Poznań, Πολωνία), Hasan – Şükran Saruhan Ortaokulu (Etimesgut, Τουρκία) και Yavuz Selim İlkokulu (Yomra, Τουρκία). Ο ρόλος του σχολείου μας και του Πολωνικού είναι συντονιστικός.
Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality—that one event causes another without any natural process linking the two events! Many – if not all – European countries have superstitions and most of them are usually related to religion. This project aspires to involve European learners in the recording of and sharing their national superstitions, while improving their writing and reading skills in English, familiarizing themselves with technology and other cultures and becoming more tolerant with diversity.
Main aims:
1. To improve the learners’ writing and reading skills in the target language
2. To familiarize the learners with technology (emails, forums, chats, educational web tools, search engines, etc)
3. To develop the learners’ tolerance with diversity
Secondary objectives:
1. To develop cooperative learning – while working in groups and cooperating with their European peers
2. To introduce strategies that help to improve the learners’ writing and reading skills
3. To promote learning with a real-life purpose (mainly writing for a real audience and reading authentic texts)
4. To make the learners realize the emergence of English as an international language
5. To reinforce the learners’ self-confidence and self-esteem
6. To practice note-taking
7. To exchange teaching strategies, methods and approaches in English Language Teaching (among partner teachers)
Superstitions will primarily be divided into categories that will be agreed upon among partner teachers via emails and Twinspace. For instance:
Category 1: Superstitions related to home routines
Category 2: Superstitions related to animals
Category 3: Superstitions related to weddings
Category 4: Superstitions related to the dead / funerals , etc
Once categorization has been finalized, learners start working on each category on agreed-upon tools. For instance, we create a coopearative padlet for superstitions included in Category 1. Then, we create a cooperative presentation in googledocs for the superstitions included in Category 2, and so on. The cooperative, educational tools will be discussed and agreed-upon among partner teachers. The end products of each category will be uploaded on Twinspace and school blogs. The learners will be introduced and registered as members in the project Twinspace, in an attempt to promote communication with their European peers.
The expected outcomes involve the attainment of the afore-mentioned pursued main and secondary aims and objectives and the publication of the categorized European superstitions. The format of publication will be discussed and determined among partner teachers (school blogs and/or project blog and/or public Twinspace, etc). By publishing our end-products, we aspire not only to create a register of the European superstitions and develop our learners’ self-esteem and self-confidence, but also to promote good teaching and learning practices.