All of us, English Language teachers in public Primary Schools of Greece, are familiar with the Sports Song presented in our coursebook, in Unit 2.

This school year this, normally rather indifferent to the learners, song was taken to a different level with a little bit of imagination and enthusiasm! Instead of just singing the lyrics, we simply added motions for every line of the song! And that is how we pursued learning sports in English and learning like + -ing structure while having fun! What you are about to see on the following video is a group of learners following directions as to where to stand and how to move, so that their face will not be exposed during the video-making process! What actually took place in class while learning the song, cannot be put into words and is only for the teacher to know and appreciate and the learners to remember for a long, long time! For me, the English teacher, it was the perfect end of a busy, tiring week, that you fortunately cannot see depicted on my face for video-quality reasons!
P.S. If you really liked what these 4th grade learners have presented, please, leave a note on their related school blog post, because they are afraid they will be the only ones watching their video!