My 1st graders and I have thought that learning the names of fruit and vegetables in English has been fun, until last Monday that we really believed that we can make it, having even more fun than before! Last week, we saw the fruit and vegetables in flashcards, we practiced the pronunciation of the words and we played our favourite game, BINGO, drawing the fruit and vegetables we had learnt. This Monday, however, we took learning and having fun to a different level, as we thought we should combine the carnival period with what we have been trying to learn!
Each 1st-grade learner chose a fruit or vegetable mask to paint, cut and wear! Then, they introduced themselves as the object presented by theim mask! Unfortunately, some of the learners were absent, so you cannot see the whole collection of available healthy food, but we intend to complete it, as soon as they are back! We are also keeping the masks, so as to practice other structures, such as “What’s this?” “It’s a …”, and colours! Here is our colourful fruit and vegetables salad:
Με σύνθημα το «Reduce – Reuse – Recycle», το πέμπτο κεφάλαιο του βιβλίου των Αγγλικών της Ε΄ Δημοτικού προσκαλεί τους μαθητές να μειώσουν τα σκουπίδια, να ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουν συσκευασίες και υλικά και να ανακυκλώσουν ό,τι μπορεί να ανακυκλωθεί! Οι μαθητές, με αφορμή το μάθημα που προβλημάτισε όλους για την πορεία του πλανήτη μας, μπορούν να ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουν αντικείμενα που θα κατέληγαν στα σκουπίδια και να τα μεταμορφώσουν σε χρηστικά αντικείμενα! Αγαπημένοι μαθητές της Ε΄Τάξης, πάρτε μια ιδέα για το τι μπορείτε να φτιάξετε:
Don’t you feel excited when somebody brings you a present you had never expected at all and you could not believe you would like, or need so much? Well, this appears to be accurately descriptive of my current relationship with the interactive notebook approach! It’s like a new colourful, fun-filled toy that everybody likes to play with and you, the teacher who has prepared it, know that it is not just entertaining! It is meant to help others learn in a more engaging, attractive and interactive manner and you (will) love every minute of its designing and crafting!
After trying to help a learner with demonstratives, it is time to play and learn with my daughter, who has been a bit confused with object pronouns and possessive adjectives use and expressed her desire to have an interactive notebook, like my niece’s! Here is how she has been presented with the grammar rules:
After reading and playing with the rules, she moves to the next pages that have big flowers with petals that can move! Reading the sentence in the middle, she makes her own, complete sentences by using the correct pronoun or adjective! Then, she checks if she did well by flipping the flower petals!
Apart from attributing a colourful and playful atmosphere to her notebook, my daughter loved the fact that she enjoyed grammar practice this much and has expressed her desire to add more pages like that! Having tried the interactive notebook method in only two cases this far, it has been noted that it initially appears to give the teachers the opportunity to reflect on their students’ learning styles. Additionally, it seems to allow teachers to evaluate and analyze their learners’ understanding of new concepts, giving them ample grounds to modidy and accommodate their teaching accordingly. Finally, the fact that learners are not involved in the actual designing and crafting, brings up the element of surprise during the lesson and allows more time for grammar introduction and practice for the individual learner.
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