Posted in School Paper Articles

THE STORY OF MY AUNT KIKI – English School Paper, February 2011 Issue

The story of my aunt Kiki,
22nd May 1974 – 8th May 2008
by Evaggelia Zaharaki (6th grade)

Kiki was my aunt and she was born on 22nd May, 1974. She was always a good girl in her junior years.

When she was in the 1st class of Primary School, she was playing in the garden, but, one day, when she was playing there, she hit her knee and the ambulance drove her to the hospital. Luckily, this accident wasn’t serious, but she screamed and cried a lot, because it hurt. She didn’t play in the garden for four days, but after a while, she felt well. From then on, she was playing games without having any accidents.

When she was going in Junior High School and Senior High School, she used to walk on mountains and plains. When I was born, Kiki was 24 years old. She loved me very much. She taught me lots of things! Unfortunately, she died on May 8th, 2008.She died when she was 34 years old and I was 10 years old. When she died, I was very sad, because I loved her as much as she did. She had a problem with her heart.

Her life was short but I will always remember her!

Posted in 5th Grade, 6th Grade, School Paper Articles

1st Primary School of Almyros – November Issue – Interviewing A Reporter / Newspaper Owner

by Alexia A. (6th grade)

On Wednesday 4th November we, the 6th graders, visited the office where the local newspaper “Ο ΛΑΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΛΜΥΡΟΥ” is prepared. We saw there the room where the reporters work and, on the same day, Mr. Tsintsinis, the owner of the newspaper, came to our school and we asked him some questions.

First of all, we asked Mr. Tsintsinis some things about the newspaper. We found out that the newspaper was founded eleven years ago. He also told us that an article can take from 30 minutes to one day to be edited. In addition, we got the information that in this newspaper there are four important categories of professionals working for it: the reporters, the technicians, the secretary and the marketing manager. Moreover, we were told that, for the newspaper to be printed, all the articles are ready from the previous day. Finally, when we asked him which article he considers to be most successful, or influential among those he has written, he told us that he thinks that his article about contaminated water consumption in Almyros was one that was discussed a lot, he received a lot of criticism about it and he was even led to trial for it, only to be acquitted afterwards.

We are really grateful to Mr. Tsintsinis for the opportunity he gave us to get to know more about how a newspaper is created and what the job of a reporter is all about (see also the article in Greek for extra information on the interview).