Posted in 6th Grade, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Projects, Public Education


My Country – Primary School of Efxinoupoli

The course book we use at the 6th Grade in Greek Public Primary Schools invites learners to write a report on their country at the end of the first unit. My 6th graders and I proudly present our electronic (padlet) wall with our reports that have been written with a real-life purpose: to be published on our school blog!

Please, feel free to leave comments under our reports, click on the hearts if you like them and/or invite your learners to read and comment on them, too (if you are a teacher, of course!), so that we know that other people out there can actually access them and read them! Thank you in advance for your time and … enjoy! 

Posted in 4th Grade, Public Education

4th Grade – Sports Song – Unit 2

All of us, English Language teachers in public Primary Schools of Greece, are familiar with the Sports Song presented in our coursebook, in Unit 2.

English Coursebook - 4th Grade - Sports Song Lyrics

Last year this rather-indifferent-to-the-learners song was taken to a different level with a little bit of imagination and enthusiasm and it actually became their favourite! Therefore, this year, at the Primary School of Efxinoupoli, it was easy to follow the same steps:

Instead of just singing the lyrics, we simply added motions for every line of the song! And that is how we pursued learning sports in English and learning like + -ing structure while having fun!