"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

“Τhe material of the project reflects only the author’s views. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission or the Hellenic National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

We love school trips

Student and study trips abroad are a focus area for Fyllingsdalen vgs. Our goal is for as many of our students as possible to visit upper secondary schools and other institutions abroad, meet young people from a different cultural background and gain insight into how they work with academic content. Our students can also take part in hosting students and teachers from the schools we collaborate with.
School year 2023/2024
  • 6 students from Vg3 Drama go to Germany in week 37.
  • They participate in the Twin Cities Youth Conference in Schleswig.
  • Vg2 Drama to the island of Mors in Denmark in week 38.
  • They visit Morsø Gymnasium in the Nordplus project “Drama and democracy”.
  • The student council board to Hamburg in week 48.
  • They visit Goethe Schule Harburg in an Erasmus+ collaboration with the student council board there.
  • 20 students from Toppidrett VG1, Vg2 and Vg3 to Tenerife for training in week 4.
  • Vg3 Drama to London in week 8.
  • Pupils from Vg2 Health worker subject to internship in Växjö, Sweden in week 10-12.
  • 12 students from Vg1 Study specialist are going to Tenerife in week 15.
  • 15 pupils from Vg1 to Södra Österbotten in Finland in week 17.
  • They visit Lapuan Lukio (Lappo gymnasium) in the Nordplus project “Sustainability and democracy”.


Science Theater “Pandora’s Box”

The Science Theatre performance “Pandora’s Box”, created during the school year 2023-24 in collaboration with the Gymnasium & High School of Empona in Rhodes,
participated in the national competition “Learning Science through Theatre”.
“Pandora’s Box” scenario is based on the challenges of the coexistence of human and artificial intelligence. It managed to win the Dissemination and Promotion Award and
a Special Distinction for the Original Critical Approach to Technological Progress.
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Modern Elegant Studio Mood Board Photo Collage 1

The local press talks about the multiplier event of Greek partners


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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Christmas card 2023 TBU

The Team of Teacher Burnout wishes you all

a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Multiplier event Georgia (December 2023)

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Trying to spread the results of our project, each partner country organized a multiplier event.  The first one was held in Tbilisi, Georgia and was hosted by the AIA GESS school. Before the event, six schools from Tbilisi implemented teaching scenario “Save the sea” and did clean-up activities from 20-28 of November 2023, with the involvement of more than 70 school students and teachers in total.
Umbrella and schools invited teachers, school students, and school administration workers, including directors and other educational and helper staff from secondary schools of participating six schools.
The event started with presenting the project, its aim, objectives, and results. All outputs were presented in detail by the representative of Umbrella. Students presented their experiences and talked about the environmental issues, clean-up and schools’ role in combating climate change.
The event continued with a panel discussion during which a teacher, student and project team were sharing their opinions about the entire project and burnout issue.
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Multiplier event Lithuania (December 2023)

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To share the ideas and to summarize all activities done, Joniškio Rajono Švietimo Jstaigų Vadovų Asociacijathe in Lithuania held a multiplier event on December 2023. Association of Heads of Educational Institutions of Joniškis District invited well known Lithuanian psychologist Tomas Lagūnavičius for the final conference. He was talking about the leadership principles and burnout. During this meeting, headmasters, deputies and teachers went through phases of problem structuring: metaproblems, problem specification, problem highlighting, problem research, real problems, problem situation and formal questions how to avoid teachers’ burnout.
Another part of the event was to share good practices and present all activities done during project implementation.
The headmaster of “Saulės” basic school presented several activities organized at “Saulės” basic school during the project time. Some activities became a tradition (repeated every year 2022 – 2024).
Žagarė and Skaistgirys headmaster went a bit different way to present their activities: “How to burn but not to burn out” Many examples were presented about (with) teachers who work together. Also was mentioned the colaboration among different schools from Latvia and others.
And one more presentation was the widest summary of all activities and mobility in the coordinating country Greece (Rhodos). Headmaster of M. Slančiauskas progimnazium presented the comparison of Greek and Lithuanian educational systems.
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Multiplier event

Joniskis District Educational Institution Heads Association from Lithuania are preparing a multiplier event about Teacher Burnout on the 15th of December! .

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Collaboration with schools poster

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Multipliers event 

On the 10th of December, more than 40 participants (school pupils, parents, school administration) from 6 schools took part in the multipliers event in Tbilisi.

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Participants shared their experiences from the previous activity and got acquainted with the project’s outcomes.

We want to thank the following schools for participating in the event.

Public school 177

Public school 182

Public school 46

School Kandidi


School Progress

Special thanks to school AIA-GESS for hosting the event.


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