Today, Umbrella wants to share some insights from Christina Maslach, an influential psychologist who has extensively studied burnout and developed strategies to prevent it.
Provide autonomy and control: Giving employees a sense of autonomy and control over their work can help prevent burnout. Also, involve employees in decision-making, allow flexibility in work schedules, and encourage self-evaluation and reflection.
Enhance job resources and support: she emphasizes the importance of sufficient job resources, such as training, tools, and support, to prevent burnout. Providing employees with the necessary resources to perform their roles effectively can alleviate stress.
Manage workload and time pressure: Maslach highlights the role of workload and time pressure. Managers should aim to balance workload, set realistic deadlines, and avoid excessive time pressure to prevent burnout.
Promote meaningful work: Maslach suggests that finding meaning and purpose in work can protect against burnout. Employers can enhance employees’ sense of importance by clarifying job roles & expectations, highlighting the positive impact of their work, and recognizing & appreciating their contributions.
Support personal growth and development: Encouraging employees to pursue professional development opportunities, providing mentorship programs, and offering skills-building opportunities can help prevent burnout and enhance well-being.
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The project is supported by the European Commission within the scope of the Erasmus+ program.