"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

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Expert advice N6

Today’s burnout expert is Irina Hakamada – a well-known political activist, journalist, teacher, publicist, and politician.

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According to Irina, firstly, one has to define the problem. In the case of burnout, we usually confuse it with clinical depression or lack of implementation when a person hasn’t found himself yet and has no idea what to start. One may feel stress and tiredness, but definitely, he is tired of himself and his idleness.

These can be solved in a complex way. Almost as in the proverb: “… the main desire” and the possibility will appear.

Burnout problems can be solved using instruments related to conscious and subconscious states of mind. One has to learn to achieve balance while communicating with others to avoid energy loss and negative vibes, when and how to be involved in social life to earn money and when to take time and concentrate on himself.

What can burn? Anything that can light up. And what can we light up in a person? Physical, emotional, and intellectual energies must be maintained by reading books, critical thinking, and understanding what is right and wrong for us at a particular moment. “I work hard only when I’m having fun. If I don’t like anything, I won’t do anything. If you don’t enjoy something, you must combine work with laziness to avoid stress and burnout. During the working day, if you feel tired, go outside for five minutes, walk, and look at the sky. Now you are “switched”! You’re driving a car, turn on the music, ‘switched”! Arrived home; stop discussing what happened at work! Sit in the bath, turn on the TV, and you will feel better. Guys, don’t forget about laziness!”- says the business coach.



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