"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

“Τhe material of the project reflects only the author’s views. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission or the Hellenic National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Multipliers event 

On the 10th of December, more than 40 participants (school pupils, parents, school administration) from 6 schools took part in the multipliers event in Tbilisi.

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Participants shared their experiences from the previous activity and got acquainted with the project’s outcomes.

We want to thank the following schools for participating in the event.

Public school 177

Public school 182

Public school 46

School Kandidi


School Progress

Special thanks to school AIA-GESS for hosting the event.


410032627 743819811112641 5369113640345726376 n 410106685 743819837779305 4122759720373331581 n 410028012 743820074445948 149050883849515995 n 410006483 743819951112627 6977226371537221871 n 409994024 743819794445976 6948097690347260203 n 409925019 743819947779294 2997893041561381779 n 409898452 743820027779286 4987357029277849859 n 408227910 743819797779309 9038814775704245716 n 408218359 743819974445958 8261730875747124772 n 408215545 743820024445953 3419970460854081005 n




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