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"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

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Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

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Characteristics of stressful situations.

IMG 6225

Characteristics of stressful situations experienced by Lithuanian teachers and educational support specialists and coping with stress.

Dear Sirs, please fill out the questionnaire based on the Lithuanian stress coping scale

(authors Prof. G.Valickas and Dr. Ž.Grakauskas, 2006, improved hall version Valickas, Grakauskas, Želvienė, 2010).

Authors’ consent to use this scale has been obtained. With this questionnaire, we aim to investigate whether within 17 years in the period since the creation of the stress coping scale and in the 13 m period since the improvement of the scale, some new ways of coping with stress appeared.

We also aim to investigate the stressful situations experienced by Lithuanian teachers and educational support specialists, and what stress-coping strategies they use. The research is carried out by a group of scientists from Vilnius University’s Šiauliai Academy (Assoc. Dr. Daiva Alifanovienė, Assoc. Dr. Darius Gerulaitis, Assoc. Dr. Albina Kepalaitė, Assoc. Odeta Šapelytė, Assoc. Dr. Asta Vaitkevičienė), researching factors determining psychosocial well-being.

Please fill in each line of the questionnaire statements honestly, as only data from a completely completed questionnaire will be used for statistical analysis.
The researchers undertake to protect your confidentiality. Personalized and aggregated data will be used when publishing an article or presenting at a conference.

This electronic questionnaire consists of 5 sections. In the first section, you read a description of the study and the terms of consent to participate in the study. In the second section, if you agree to participate in the study, mark the answer option “I agree”.

If you do not agree to participate in the study, you no longer need to complete the questionnaire.

The third section will contain instructions for filling out the Lithuanian stress coping scale and 24 statements for your evaluation.

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statements on a five-point scale (never – 1 point; rarely – 2 points; sometimes – 3 points; often – 4 points; always – 5 points).

In the fourth section, you will be asked to evaluate the stress caused by the last stress you experienced, the strength of the stress, and to assess which stressful situations you are dealing with in your life on a 10-point scale.

With an open-ended question asking you to write down your answer, we aim to understand how you normally cope with stress. In the fifth column, please provide some data about yourself. Filling out the questionnaire will not take longer than 15 minutes. your time.

Thank you for your consent to participate in the study.



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