"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

“Τhe material of the project reflects only the author’s views. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission or the Hellenic National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

We celebrate 40 years of Copernicus

On Thursday 13 June at 10.00 the Copernico high school celebrates its 40 years of activity. Former teachers, former students, former ATA staff and currently serving staff will join the celebration.


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May 28, 1974

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Piazza della Loggia massacre, a delegation of students and teachers from the Copernico high school

participated in the commemoration, which took place in the presence of the President of the Republic.


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Last day at school !

Today, May 24, 2024, the graduating third grade students came to school for the last time and took a commemorative photo with their teachers. With emotion they said goodbye to the school routine.  They are getting ready for the national exams and their future plans.
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Mark Axelrod at Panteion University

In collaboration with Fulbright Greece, the Department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University organised
the visit of Mark Axelrod, Professor of Comparative Literature and English at the University of Chapman, Orange, California. 
The subject of his lectures was crafting screenplays: «From Aristotle to Rocky» «Where is the Plot Going Anyway» & «Whose Talking and Why». 14 & 21 May,  Α2 (new building) 12.15 -15:00.
 Professor Axelrod has taught screenwriting in the US, Europe and Latin America and has published the books:
Aspects of the Screenplay (2001), Character and Conflict: The Cornerstones of Screenwriting (2004), I Read it at The MoviesThe Follies and Foibles of Screen Adaptation (2006) Constructing Dialogue:
From Citizen Kane to Midnight in Paris (2013).
Ηe has been awarded several times for his novels and screenplays.
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Happy Birthday European Union !

On 14 May the students of the 4th High School of Rhodes celebrated the birthday of the European Union in a beautiful event co-organised with Europe Direct and Mrs Filia Papasavva. The students discussed about the institutions and bodies of the European Union and why it is important for us to participate in the European elections and then they played educational games and created a group painting project. The day ended with a themed cake in the colours of the European Union.


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One picture, thousands of students

The 4th High School of Rhodes participates in the student photography exhibition “One picture, thousands of students” with photographs taken during science experiments in the school laboratory.
The opening of the exhibition took place on Saturday 18 May 2024 at the Nestorideio Melathro.
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Brescia Photo Festival 2024

From March 2024, the Brescia Photo Festival will once again be the protagonist, promoted by the Municipality of Brescia and the Brescia Musei Foundation, in collaboration with the Ma.Co.f – Centro della Fotografia Italiana, with the artistic curatorship of Renato Corsini, which will bring it to the most prestigious exhibition venues of the city and the province, a structured program of exhibitions with some of the most important and celebrated names in contemporary Italian photography.
The title chosen for this seventh edition is Testimoni, a term that underlines the ability of photographers to document the present by encouraging the reading of history through the story told by the images.
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“How Museums Could Conquer Social Media” by Mr. Adam Koszary

The Laboratory of Cultural Informatics, Data and Digital Cultural Studies, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Culture and Cultural Management,
the “Cultural Management” strand of the MSc in Cultural Management, Communication and Media, hosted the sixth and last meeting of the cycle “Museums and Social Media”,
organized by the Museum Social Media Culture Research Network. On Thursday, April 25, at 18:00 we hosted Mr. Adam Koszary, an extraordinary and legendary museum social media manager.
His presentation was entitled: “How Museums Could Conquer Social Media”.
Mr. Adam Koszary has worked as a social media manager for many museums, galleries, archives and libraries, and
has consulted on social media development and policy for many companies and private organizations.
He managed to raise awareness of a small museum in England, the Museum of English Rural Life, through social media.
His best online moment was the now famous sheep that went viral and managed to get the attention of ….Elon Musk as well.

Welcome Erasmus friends !

The accredited school San Viator from Sopuerta, Bilbao, Spain visited the 4th General High School of Rhodes from 8 to 13 April 2024 (project “Eurocitizens” code 2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000137034).
The students and teachers of the Spanish school implemented activities with the students of the school, such as:
Digital storytelling: The Birth of Democracy in Ancient Greece,
 “Let’s help the people of Rhodes defend the island against the siege of Mohammed the Besieger”
Debate: Global warming and nuclear power
Public Debate: The greenhouse effect and global warming:  The European Union, present and future.
The group of students and teachers also visited the sights of the Old Town of Rhodes, Lindos and spent a beautiful day of sport and recreation at the Apollakia Dam.
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Tenerife adventure !

Twelve students from FYD went to Tenerife in week 15 – it is the “South” for many Norwegians, but the students from Vg1 Studies Specialization
were there to learn about the island’s very special geology, climate and history.
The trip was linked to the subject Geography, and geography teacher Odin Thorbjørnsen was with our students together with science teacher Helge Jellestad.
Tenerife and the rest of the Canary Islands have a volcanic geology, says Odin. – We went for a walk in the crater areas and on Pico Teide, the highest volcanic mountain on the island.
Our students got to see good examples of different layers of ash and lava flows.
They gain a different understanding when they can see and feel the types of stone, lift them and feel their weight.
– The climate on Tenerife is very complex, despite the fact that the island is small, he continues.
– We were in desert areas and in the lush Anaga area where there is a humid Atlantic climate.



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