"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

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Expert advice N7

Umbrella is back with updates about burnout and solutions. Today, we decided to bring some wonderful thoughts expressed by Steve Jobs!

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While he did not explicitly provide advice on burnout, he did emphasise the importance of finding passion and purpose in your work. Here are some tips inspired by Steve Jobs’ approach that can help prevent and manage burnout:

Pursue your passion: Jobs believed in doing work that you love. Find what truly excites you and align your career with it. When you are genuinely passionate about your work, it can help prevent burnout by providing intrinsic motivation.

Set clear goals: Create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This framework gives you a clear direction and focus, minimising overwhelm and burnout.

Prioritize meaningful work: Jobs focused on a few important things rather than trying to do everything. Identify and prioritise the tasks or projects that have the most impact, ensuring you are dedicating your energy to meaningful work.

Delegate and seek support: Trust and delegate tasks to capable team members whenever possible. By relying on others, you can reduce your workload and avoid reaching a point of burnout. Seek support from colleagues or mentors who can provide guidance and assistance.

Embrace innovation and change: Jobs was known for his constant pursuit of innovation and willingness to embrace change. Be open to new ideas, technologies, and approaches. Embracing change can help keep your work fresh and exciting, preventing monotony and burnout.

Remember,while these tips are inspired by Steve Jobs, personalising them is important based on your circumstances and needs. Each individual’s experience with burnout may vary, so listen to your mind and body and adapt these tips accordingly.



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