Home » Panteion University Greece » XIII International Semiotics Conference “Semiotics Across and In-Between”

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XIII International Semiotics Conference “Semiotics Across and In-Between”

The Department of Communication, Media and Culture and the Cultural Informatics, Data and Digital Cultural Studies Laboratory of Panteion University are co-organizing with the Hellenic Semiotics Society (HSE) the XIII International Semiotics Conference entitled “Semiotics Across and In-Between”. The Conference will take place at Panteion University, from September 28 to 30. Continuing the tradition of ESE’s International Conferences to be dedicated to topical searches and challenges, the Conference will house original research that utilizes the interdisciplinary field of semiotics in order to develop semiotic-analytical approaches through or between the various sciences and/or arts.
The Conference program and the book with the abstracts of the presentations are available on the website https://semiotics2023.gr/
 Twitter: @semiotics2023
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