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"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

“Τhe material of the project reflects only the author’s views. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission or the Hellenic National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

English through Media Literacy for professional development.

From 2022 the project “English through Media Literacy for professional development” carried out in October. It was initiated and organized by British Council Lithuania and LAKMA (Lithuanian English Language Teachers Association) and iniciated by the coordinators of the Erasmus+ project:KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in School Education

The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement 


 As many as 7 teachers of Joniškis “Aušras”gymnasium were included in this project. Gymnasium is one of the members of the Association. Teachers’ impressions:

Deputy Director for Education:

The course “English Language and Media Literacy for Professional Development” was a pleasant experience and increased motivation to learn. The classes were focused on improving grammar and language. Everything I learned was necessary and useful. The teacher is very friendly, communicative and motivating. Thanks to the Association of Teachers of English and the British Council for the opportunity and knowledge.

Information technology teacher:

I use the acquired knowledge of a foreign language while implementing international Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects. I participated in project mobility in Greece and Bulgaria together with a geography teacher who also participated in English language courses organized by LAKMA, organized activities in English for Spanish students who visited the gymnasium. I taught a class for 10-year-old high school students about media and information literacy, during which students created infographics about media and their types, lies, disinformation, and how to recognize them.


The lessons exceeded my expectations, I remembered a lot, I learned much more than I expected.

Russian language teacher:

It was useful and interesting to remember and check the available knowledge. I really liked the teacher’s ability to present new material concretely, clearly and comprehensibly. I was impressed by the teacher’s patience and tolerance.

Lithuanian language and literature teacher:

We learned a lot in 100 hours. The hardest part was finding time to do homework and learn new words. The courses are intense; there was no time to be lazy. I want to thank the teacher who patiently explained again and again, who encouraged and praised, encouraged to correct their own mistakes.

Information technology teacher:

After these courses, I can speak more freely with colleagues from other countries (Erasmus+ projects), look for material for my lessons in English.

Geography teacher:

The opportunity to deepen the knowledge of the English language is always gratifying. We are supported by the best English teachers! A fun and rewarding experience!





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