Home » 4th GEL Rodou » Fun with Floor Games.

"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

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Fun with Floor Games.

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How can we improve the spiritual clarity of our students? How can we help them
relieve their anxiety? How can we help them improve their self-esteem and
socialisation? The answer is by playing!
Playing games has numerous benefits both in dealing with stress and in other areas.
By focusing on the game we play, we are able to give our brain the ability to function
and have mental clarity. This improves our concentration and can also help us
reduce stress.
It also gives us the sense of control that in turn can make us gain more self-esteem
and self-confidence. We should also not forget that games are an excellent way to
socialise and communicate with other people, which also helps to reduce stress and
improve our mental health. In addition, by engaging in toys, we manage to
rejuvenate ourselves and fill our batteries, helping our health and well-being in
In the context of the implementation of the internal policy plan for burnout, as
resulting from the design of the Erasmus+ programme “The exhaustion of teachers
and the new educational reality as a challenge for cooperation and professional
upgrading”, our school acquired floor games, which our students already enjoy
during school breaks. The main goal is to improve the daily life of students and
teachers through the use of their leisure time during breaks.

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