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“How Museums Could Conquer Social Media” by Mr. Adam Koszary

The Laboratory of Cultural Informatics, Data and Digital Cultural Studies, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Culture and Cultural Management,
the “Cultural Management” strand of the MSc in Cultural Management, Communication and Media, hosted the sixth and last meeting of the cycle “Museums and Social Media”,
organized by the Museum Social Media Culture Research Network. On Thursday, April 25, at 18:00 we hosted Mr. Adam Koszary, an extraordinary and legendary museum social media manager.
His presentation was entitled: “How Museums Could Conquer Social Media”.
Mr. Adam Koszary has worked as a social media manager for many museums, galleries, archives and libraries, and
has consulted on social media development and policy for many companies and private organizations.
He managed to raise awareness of a small museum in England, the Museum of English Rural Life, through social media.
His best online moment was the now famous sheep that went viral and managed to get the attention of ….Elon Musk as well.



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