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Monthly Archives: June 2023

"The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

Co funded by Erasmus logo transperant 02

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Enjoy your summer !

summer card

The END of the 2022-2023 School Year


MSP team 2023.11.17

The elementary students (grades 1-4) of Joniškis M. Slančiauskas Progymnasium elementary students concluded the academic year with a traditional event called “Let’s Welcome the Morning Together.” This was the fifth anniversary of the event. The students aimed to achieve the prestigious Lithuanian children’s accomplishment of the “Most Decorated Tree with Model Birds” during this event. The 1-4 graders participated in workshops along with their teachers and created unique 2,245 bird decorations from modelling clay which later adorned a hazelnut tree growing in the schoolyard.

The students will dedicate this achievement to the upcoming 45th anniversary of their Progymnasium.

The students of senior classes ended the school year with the Sports Day and the “MSP Never Sleeps” camp. Fun competitions were organised in collaboration with partners such as “Aušra” Gymnasium, Joniškis Sports School, and the Joniškis Public Health Bureau during the Sports Day. The students had to participate in various activities that required accuracy, agility, teamwork, and cooperation and in this way, developed social, emotional, and healthy lifestyle competencies. There were no losers here – all classes were rewarded for their unity and support of the sporting atmosphere.

The 5th to 8th grade students of the Progymnasium welcomed the summer vacation at the “MSP Never Sleeps”camp. The campers had the opportunity to meet renowned hip-hop dancer J. Ašmonas, who talked to the children about moral values, healthy lifestyles, and taught them hip-hop dance steps. Later, the campers participated in fun relay races organised by local firefighters. As the evening progressed, the students enjoyed a variety of activities, education sessions, tasks, challenges, and tests that lasted throughout the night. There was no shortage of experiences: they tried out an original education program at the Joniškis History and Culture Museum with flashlights in the dark synagogue, conquered the night route created by MSP and Walk15 with tasks like “Go with MSP and come to MSP,” learned photography secrets, created watercolour paintings of a single flower blossom, familiarise themselves with self-defence basics, made mats from fabric strips, learned about the peculiarities of Venetian glass while creating beautiful jewellery, tasted and created edible bouquets, nurtured creativity by learning to play traditional instruments, using carving techniques, learned how to create a personal stamp or a suitable bookmark as a gift, explored the possibilities of scrapbooking. And, of course, they had a great time dancing at the disco and listening to songs performed by the campfire. After an active workout and breakfast in the morning, the students left for their summer adventures.




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Summer is coming

Joniškio r. pagrindinės mokyklos Gataučių M. Katiliūtės skyriaus 


End of the school year is always exciting both for pupils and teachers. It‘s full of different activities and experience outside the classroom. 

At the beginning of June all students of elemantary classes with their teachers visited the Curonian Spit. There were two educational activities in the Sea Museum: one group was getting knowledge about the penguins while the other group learned how to be safe being in the sea. Afterwards everybody went to the beach – it was a great impression for those seeing the Baltic sea for the first time. 

After a few days the 7th grade had a chance to visit Žemaitija region. The trip took 2 days and with the help of three teachers children had a full variety of activities: a tour in the Oginskis‘palace, interactive exposition of the national park, underground missile base in the forest of Plokštinė, and hike in the capital town of Žemaitija – Telšiai. 

Pupils of the 6th grade together with their teacher were exploring another region of Lithuania – Aukštaitija. Walking on foot, riding a bike, making food on the fire, swimming and enjoying miracles of nature – that was the plan to end the school year. 


sea museum exploring Zemaitija IMG 8805 bicycling





“Saulė” basic school

When planning the educational process, ways, methods and forms are sought to make it more interesting not only for students but also easier for teachers. The school has a career education coordinator who prepared a program and coordinated the meeting times, the teachers and class leaders only needed to help with the implementation.

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During the career education activities, students in grades 5-10 got to know various professions, met with their representatives, learned about study opportunities and trends in the labour market.

Joint activities and holidays of the school staff are planned. When teachers spend time together, they have an opportunity to talk to each other, share their thoughts and feelings. In this way, they can see that teachers are not alone in facing various difficulties at work. It has already become a tradition to go to the seaside of Latvia every year at the end of the school year, to participate in education activities. This year we visited the Shiitake mushroom farm in Jelgava. It was an opportunity to look around the farm, learn the secrets of mushroom cultivation, taste fresh Shiitake mushrooms and enjoy a wonderful mushroom soup. After the educational activities, it was the relaxation on the beach.

In June, the teachers of the primary education group participated in district methodological activities in Žagarė. During it, the teachers remembered or learned anew the history of Žagarė, visited the park and the Naryshkin manor, got acquainted with the activities of the Gymnasium, and searched for treasures with hints. The rest of the hour was spent in the Factory of the Scarecrows and in the Oasis of Peace of Barbora Žagarietė.

Before Christmas, an afternoon “Nature Sounds and Music Therapy” was organised by candlelight, followed by tea and cake.

Teachers, who have recently begun to work, are assigned mentors, this reduces the anxiety and stress for the new teacher, knowing they can turn for help at any time.

Fyllingsdalen Youth Theater Festival

Fyllingsdalen Youth Theater Festival is a festival with educational workshops, exciting screenings and lots of social content. Anyone between 13 and 20 years old can take part in Bergen from 22 – 25 June 2023. No theater experience required. The goal is “everyone to participate” and create great experiencies.
Fyllingsdalen Youth Theater Festival is a partnership of:
Fyllingsdalen vgs
Springboard for youth
Bømlo Volunteer center
Magneten Volunteer Center
Active Respite Room

3D4CE International Conference

356118649 3643247939241116 5431342483269108261 nOn Friday, June 23, 2023, the  3D4CE International Conference  

“Learning the European traditional monuments and promoting cultural heritage via digital tools”

was held at the University of Aegean, School of Humanities.  

During Section C: Experience & lessons learnt from Schools of Rhodes that participated in

Erasmus+ Program, Angeliki Tenente, representing the 4th GEL of Rhodes,

presented the objectives, the outputs and the future plans of    

KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education –


“The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement”.  


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Five tips to regain strength this summer


Summer time!


Activities that bring you joy and relaxation

Relax with Yoga

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A very relaxing activity at Liceo Scientifico Statale N. Copernico in Italy!
How to contain and tolerate the stress of the Copernico high school teachers. Pilates is a very effective stretching, relaxation and decontracting exercise for those who, like a teacher, lead a sedentary life, spending hours and hours on student work, in front of the PC screen.

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