" European Schools Go Green "

ERASMUS+ Our Team : Goethe Gymnasium Kassel, Germany – Galileo Galilei Technical School Genova, Italy – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada, Greece

Posts tagged with Kassel

Erasmus+ “European Schools Go Green” Third Year 2019-2020 – Our project’s last “Green” Magazine

Aug 202016

Erasmus+ “European Schools Go Green” Third Year 2019-2020 Green Magazine Published on Aug 16, 2020 ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME KA 2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP “European Schools Go Green” 2017 – 2020   Third and last Year of collaboration 2019-2020 Our last Digital  ” Green ” Magazine 2020 Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova, Italy 2nd Junior High […]

Our student mobility to Kassel is cancelled because of the Covid19 pandemic

Apr 20203

These days we would be in Germany having a blast with all our Erasmus+ partners… But times are strange and difficult  and we stayed home as our mobility is cancelled. Unfortunately our students  missed this wonderful mobility and exciting last educational, cultural and scientific experience of this last year of our three years Erasmus project… […]

Virtual tour in Kassel

Apr 20201

Students of 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada , Greece, shared virtual tours of Kassel and information and links during our teleconferences. We present here some of the material we shared as the teachers and students from the Greek school tried to present during the pandemic to their families and school the city of Kassel […]

Our second year project e-magazine is available on slideshare too!

Oct 20197

You can view, read, share and download the file on slideshare! Follow the link! European schools go green second year e-magazine 2018-2019 from andreou_aikaterini  

Eratosthenes Experiment and results from the three partner schools

Apr 201922

Download file

Eratosthenes eTwinning Event on March 20th 2019 ! Follow the event link!

Mar 201912

Join our Eratosthenes eTwinning Event on March 20th 2019 ! Follow the event link! https://live.etwinning.net/events/event/75739

Eratosthenes Experiment preparations! Sun energy , Physics , Math and… Art !!!

Jan 201912

The infamous Eratosthenes experiment, was conducted more than 2200 years ago, by the synonymous Greek mathematician and geographer, using only a stick, a measuring tape, feet and brains! It is highly educational and can be implemented rather easily nowadays, and also adapted to our Erasmu+ project ccoperation and become a common project , combining fun […]

Second Teachers Organisational Transnational Meeting , Genova 22 – 26 2018

Dec 201813

Our Erasmus project’s second organisational Teachers Transnational Meeting took place in Genova from October  22nd to October 26th of 2018. The German , the Italian and the  Greek team joined their forces at the sunny beautiful Italian Linguria seaside with great history and hard working inspiring people. It was a very successful and fruitful meeting,  […]

Greek Press Articles about the start of our project’s second year

Dec 201813

Εφημερίδα  ” Πατρίς ” – ” Patris ” newspaper  (in Greek) : “Απολογισμός με θετικό πρόσημο για το 2ο Γυμνάσιο Αμαλιάδας κ αι τη συμμετοχή του στο Erasmus+ “8 Νοεμβρίου 2018 – 13:40   http://www.patrisnews.com/apologismos-me-thetiko-prosimo-gia-to-2o-gymnasio-amaliadas-ke-ti-symmetochi-tou-sto-erasmus/       Εφημερίδα ” Πατρίς ” – ” Patris ” Newspaper ( in Greek) ” Αμαλιάδα: Με δώρα από τη Γένοβα […]

2nd Junior High School of Amaliada work presentation for 2nd Erasmus Meeting Genova ( October 2018) – second project year 2018 – 2019 ideas

Oct 201822

And… What is Erasmus+, say again ? A video for the new visitors of our Erasmus blog!

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