Erasmus+ “European Schools Go Green” Third Year 2019-2020 – Our project’s last “Green” Magazine
Erasmus+ “European Schools Go Green”
Third Year 2019-2020 Green Magazine
Published on Aug 16, 2020
ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME KA 2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP “European Schools Go Green” 2017 – 2020
Third and last Year of collaboration 2019-2020
Our last Digital ” Green ” Magazine
Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova, Italy 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada, Greece
Green Magazine 2020 Contents:
- Article by Mrs Franca Monzeglio – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- Article by Mrs Andreou Aikaterini – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN GENOA AND LIGURIA” – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- “The solar tracker” – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- “Polcevera Park project” – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- “Clean and Run Marathon” – Genova – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- DR ROBERTO CAVALLO INTERVIEW – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- MRS BARBARA BOSIO INTERVIEW – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- DR WALTER RIVA INTERVIEW – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova Italy
- “Climate change – show your stripes!” – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- “ Europe’s renewable energy policies “ – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- “ RES in America “ – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- “GREECE ‘S ENERGY POLICY” – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- “TILOS PROJECT case study” – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- Interview of Political Scientist Proffessor Emmanuella Doussis- 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- Panagiotis Psychogios Interview , Wind Turbines and Farms Construction and Policies – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- Mrs Despoina Kossyvaki Interview , Smart Materials , Bioengineering – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- Interview of Mrs Haroula Kromyadou – Environmental Education –“ Arcturos” NGO- 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada Greece
- Experts/Scientists/ Organizations/ Institutions/ Firms etc having taken part in our project 2017-2020 we would like to thank a lot for their contribution : Italy – Greece
Follow the link to read ans share our magazine ! :
European Schools Go Green magazine 2020 issuu digital publication
Earth Hour 2019 !!!
We love this planet and everything that lives upon it. Join us and, together, let’s spark never-before-had conversations on nature and the unique diversity of life we share our home with!
What better way to celebrate than with the electrifying energy of Earth Hour as it sweeps across the planet? Remember to switch off in solidarity with global efforts to secure nature and our home: 30 March, 8:30pm your time. It’s time to #Connect2Earth.
Starting as a symbolic lights out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment, inspiring millions of people to take action for our planet and nature.
From pushing for environmentally-friendly laws and policies to crowdfunding for a better future, YOUmake Earth Hour possible. Coordinated by WWF and other volunteer organisations, Earth Hour’s greatest strength is the power of people.
As accelerating climate change and staggering biodiversity loss threaten our planet, Earth Hour 2018-2020 endeavours to spark never-before-had conversations on the loss of nature and the urgent need to protect it.
- Home
- PUZZLE ! Erasmus+ , first transnational meeting, Kassel October 2017!
- Our Erasmus+ Work Calendar
- Our First Renewable Energy Quiz! How much do you know?
- Weebly Greek mini blog
- 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada – Galileo Galilei Technical High School of Genova : Work Progress September 2017 – January 2019
- ” European Schools Go Green” Erasmus+ Project 2019 printable Calendar
- our published e-magazines link on ISSUU
- Our European Schools Go Green site on wordpress!
- "Climate Change" Newspaper – articles collection for our climate study research!
- "The Renewable energy Daily" Articles daily collection about Renewable Energy for our Erasmus + "European Schools Go Green" Project study and research
- 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada , Greece
- All Renewable Types of Energy World Map by National Geographic
- Biomass Biowaste Energy World Map by National Geographic
- European Schools Go Green Highlights Site on Wordpress
- European Schools Go Green Youtube channel !!!
- Geothermal Energy World Map by National Geographic
- Goethe Gymnasium , Kassel , Germany
- Greek Ministry of Enviroment and Energy – usefull links
- Greek newspaper article about our trip to Genova and the presents offered to Mayor of Amaliada by Galileo Galilei and Genova Mayor
- Greek press article about the week in Amaliada , April 2018
- Hydroelectric Energy World Map by National Geogrpahic
- Istituto Scolastico Einaudi Casaregis Galilei , Genova , Italy
- Newspaper "The Ecology Daily" – Articles daily collection for our Erasmus Project study
- Our Project on Etwinning!
- Our weebly highlights mini greek blog!
- SHOW YOUR STRIPES – GLOBAL WARMING – CLIMATE CHANGE – visual representations of the change in temperature over the past 100+ years
- Solar, Tidal, and Wave Energy World Map by National Geographic
- Wind Energy World Map by National Geographic!
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