" European Schools Go Green "

ERASMUS+ Our Team : Goethe Gymnasium Kassel, Germany – Galileo Galilei Technical School Genova, Italy – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada, Greece

The challenge of Schools Going Green

Dec 201815

The students of the three schools in Greece, Germany and Italy, taking part in the “European schools go green” – Erasmus+ project, have undertaken a major responsibility in developing a school culture that promotes sustainability, ecology and activism.

Their work on the Twinspace of the project, https://twinspace.etwinning.net/34044/home,  shows how genuinely interested both the participating students and teachers are in the well-being of the people and the planet.

During the project they have made a number of inspiring and original creations. The calendar in the beginning of 2018 included samples of their work and a lot of pictures from their meetings. The Earth Hour initiative inspired teachers all over Europe to join this  event which aimed at raising awareness to protect our planet. The sculptures and paintings, comics and superheroes, pictures of worst case scenarios and a poster of the 17 goals of sustainability are some of their authentic and imaginative creative products. They are all visible in the beautiful digital gallery they have created.

The “European Schools Go Green Quiz” as well as the “Art Quiz” add an extra element of fun in the project.

You have achieved the challenge of  Going Green in your schools.

May your amazing collaborative work inspire the citizens of your towns to think and go green too!



One Comment to

“The challenge of Schools Going Green”

  1. December 15th, 2018 at 21:40       Ανδρέου Αικατερίνη Says:

    Thank you so much Sophia Kouzouli!!! For all your words, important to come from a hard working inspiring and creative etwinning Greek Ambassador awarded with 1st European Etwinning Prize this year !!!
    Thank you so much Sophia!
    Your support and inspiration is a guiding light!


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