" European Schools Go Green "

ERASMUS+ Our Team : Goethe Gymnasium Kassel, Germany – Galileo Galilei Technical School Genova, Italy – 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada, Greece

Posts tagged with Experiment

2nd Junior High School of Amaliada students interviewed Environmental Engineering ,Smart Material scientist and expert Mrs Despoina Kossyvaki

Jul 202015

2ND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF AMALIADA STUDENTS INTERVIEWED  MRS DESPOINA KOSSYVAKI FOR OUR “GREEN” MAGAZINE 2020 Mrs Despoina Kossyvaki, is a 27 years old scientist and PhD student at the University of Genoa, carrying out her research activity in the Italian Institute of Technology (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia or simply IIT) : Bioengineering and Robotics […]

by posted under Digital Magazine, ecology, Erasmus+, etwinning, Green School, interview, Press Release, Recycle, Transnational Meetings, Transnational Meetings, Work progress | tagged under , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  |  Comments Off on 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada students interviewed Environmental Engineering ,Smart Material scientist and expert Mrs Despoina Kossyvaki

Our second year 2018 – 2019 project digital magazine published on Issuu

Oct 20196

  Erasmus+ project “European Schools Go Green” second (” Science”) year magazine 2018-2019 Published on Oct 6, 2019 Erasmus+ KA2 programme “European Schools Go Green” 2017 – 2020 Partner Schools Goethe Gymnasium, Kassel, Germany Galileo Galilei Technical High School, Genova, Italy 2nd Junior High School of Amaliada, Greece 2018-2019 “Science year” Second year work digital […]

Galileo Galilei Technical High School work presentation 2018 – 2019 “Science year”

Jun 201930

Download file

by posted under Arduino, Digital Magazine, Education, Erasmus+, Work progress | tagged under , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  |  Comments Off on Galileo Galilei Technical High School work presentation 2018 – 2019 “Science year”

Eratosthenes Experiment preparations! Sun energy , Physics , Math and… Art !!!

Jan 201912

The infamous Eratosthenes experiment, was conducted more than 2200 years ago, by the synonymous Greek mathematician and geographer, using only a stick, a measuring tape, feet and brains! It is highly educational and can be implemented rather easily nowadays, and also adapted to our Erasmu+ project ccoperation and become a common project , combining fun […]

Eratosthenes experiment and solar stencil artwork! Sun energy can create art!

Mar 201824
by posted under Education, Erasmus+ | tagged under , , , , , , , , , ,  |  Comments Off on Eratosthenes experiment and solar stencil artwork! Sun energy can create art!


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