Ανακοινώθηκε το 11ο IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2011), που θα πραγματοποιηθεί μεταξύ 6 και 8 Ιουλίου 2011, στην πόλη Athens της πολιτείας της Georgia των Η.Π.Α.
Φετος το συνέδριο έχει θέμα: “Educational Technology Forecast: Cloudy with a Slight Chance of Gain”.
Θέματα ενδιαφέροντος:
- Learning Systems Platforms and Architectures
- Rethinking Pedagogy in Technology-enhanced Learning
- Adaptive and Personalized Technology-enhanced Learning
- Intelligent Educational Systems
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
- Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments for Learning
- Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning
- Web 2.0 and Social Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
- Sematic Web and Ontologies for Learning Systems
- Affective and Pervasive Computing for Learning
- Human-Centered Web Science and its Applications to Technology-enhanced Learning
- Virtual Worlds for Academic, Organizational, and Life-Long Learning
- e-Assessment and new Assessment Theories and Methodologies
- Data Mining and Web Mining in Education
- Knowledge and Competencies Management
- Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
- Advanced Learning Technologies for Disabled and Non-Disabled People
- Technology-enhanced Science Education
- International Alliance for Open Source, Open Standards, and federated repositories
- School of the Future and Future Classrooms
- E-learning in the Workplace
- Cloud-based Learning and Assessment
Σημαντικές ημερομηνίες:
- January 17, 2011: Submissions All types (Papers, Workshops, Panels and Tutorials)
- February 14, 2011: Authors’ Notification on the review process results
- March 15, 2011: Authors’ Registration Deadline
- April 15, 2011: Final Camera-Ready Manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form submission
- April 29, 2011: Early Bird Registration
- July 6-8, 2011: ICALT2011 Conference
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