Group Therapy
The group therapy is the method that is used most in the recovery of the brain-injured patients. It is focused on making the patient feel better by the support of the group therapists. The aphasic has the opportunity to express his anger, anxiety, violence and hostility in order to feel released and so to develop and built a new stronger and independent self. Moreover in a psychotherapy group the aphasic patient can talk about his experience and his emotional needs in a positively environment where he has time to think and express his views. In a therapy group like this, the patient can feel that he is understood and safe with result to become more open to the physical and psychological healing. (Murdoch B. E. 1990, p 94-97) Thus, this approach is considered to be very valuable and helpful because it helps the aphasic “break down some of the barriers which had been built up since the aphasia had occurred and also because it allows the exploration of conflicts in a controlled setting with professionals available to give appropriate support”. (Code C. & Muller D. 2002, p 23) Apart from this, self worth and restoration of self-esteem is regained from the conversations, the verbal interactions and mutual understanding from the other members of the group.
Great attention should also be paid to the skills of the group leader as he should be experienced and capable in order to be able to operate effectively the emotional, behavioral and perceptual deficits of the patient. (Lebrun Y. & Hoops R. 1976)
Although the fact that the group therapy may be a very useful intervening method for the psychological rehabilitation of the aphasics, it can also be significant and necessary for their wives of the patients and their family members. As it has been referred previously, the social and the sexual life of the couple after the stroke or the TBI incident, changes completely. The spouses of the patients may also feel stress, isolation, frustration and anxiety. (Lebrun Y. & Hoops R. 1978) The group therapy gives them the chance to get rid of all these pessimistic feelings, make them feel better and improve their relationships with their partner.