Άρθρα κατηγορίας eTwinning

Food 4 all, Zero Hunger, eTwinning project

Carefully structured learning outcomes, clear and specific expectations from the students, challenging yet manageable tasks and collaborative activities contributed to the creation of various, multimedia and interactive products in our project, Food 4 All, https://twinspace.etwinning.net/48612 The questionnaire in the beginning … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, eTwinning, Europe | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

eTwinning workshops in June

  The fifth eTwinning workshop for this school year took place in the Department of Management, Economics, Communication of Cultural and Hospitality Units of the Western Greece University of Applied Sciences, TEI of Western Greece,  in Pyrgos, on Saturday 1oth … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning, Europe, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Monumental Europe

“Our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our nation”. Nelson Mandela’s words have been our inspiration and motto in the implementation of our project, Monumental Europe, during the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: CLIL, Education, eTwinning | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

eTwinning workshops in March

The third and fourth eTwinning workshops took place at the 1st Junior High School of Pyrgos on 22/3/2018 and in the 1st Senior High School of Zaharo on 27/03/2018.   egkiklios             Million thanks to all … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Education, eTwinning, Europe, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

eTwinning report, 2017

Almost 6,000 eTwinners participated in the 2017 survey and the results were presented in the eTwinning conference in Patras, Greece in November 2017. 90% of the respondents reported that the top skills most impacted by eTwinning are their ability to … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Education, eTwinning, Europe, European Schoolnet Academy, School Education Gateway, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

eTwinning ambassadors

  I am so happy to have been selected as an eTwinning ambassador in Ileia! eTwinning adds a valuable dimension in our teaching practices, broadens our students’ horizons and immensely transforms everyday school life! This is the List of Volunteer … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning, Europe | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

“Story Feast” fostering creativity

“Story Feast” https://twinspace.etwinning.net/25390, the 5th graders of 1st Primary School of Pyrgos in collaboration with the students of a Czech and a Polish school did this project from Dec to June 2017. Solving Riddles Students of all schools, in pairs … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, eTwinning, Europe, TEACHERS4EUROPE | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Vitamin Magic

Vitamin M(agic)”, https://twinspace.etwinning.net/25904, was carried out by the 4th graders, D1 and D2 class,  in collaboration with students from Portugal, Turkey, Romania, France, Lithuania and Iceland.   Have students found the potion for Vitamin Magic, the vitamin of creativity?   … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, Education, eTwinning, Europe | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Learning in a Museum


In the beginning of March  the L.E. Learning in a Museum took place, from the 1st till the 13th March 2017; it was organized by Daniela Bunea. The focus of the learning event was to explore the educational value and … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, Education, eTwinning, Europe | Ετικέτες: , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Learning event 2017: Learning in a Museum

177  teachers took part in the L.E. Learning in a museum which took place from the 1st till the 13th March 2017 and which was organized by Daniela Bunea. The focus of the learning event was to explore the educational … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, Education, eTwinning, Europe | Ετικέτες: , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο