Αρχείο μηνός Δεκέμβριος 2016

Safer Internet Day 2017

On  December 19th, 2016 there was a very interesting webinar about Safer Internet Day 2017.  There were a lot of resources shared and almost 75 people attended it! The webinar was recorded and this is the video you can watch … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning, Internet, Safer Internet, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Creativity in action

Today in class we invited Evangelos Vlachakis, Director of photography-Lighting cameraman at KINOglaz-pro.               The children had the opportunity  to make their own production with their hand painted film. Mr Vlachakis talked to them about … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art | Ετικέτες: | 1 σχόλιο

Collaborative Teaching and Learning

From the 24th October 2016 till the 30th November 2016 there was the Collaborative Teaching and Learning course organized by the EUROPEAN SCHOOLNET ACADEMY TEAM.  We had a chance to examine collaborative learning and summarize the key benefits for students … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Education, eTwinning, Europe, European Schoolnet Academy | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο