Αρχείο μηνός Νοέμβριος 2018

1st eTwinning Award for Cultural Heritage

Our eTwinning project, Monumental Europe, https://twinspace.etwinning.net/44435/home    is  the winner in the eTwinning Award for Cultural Heritage, sponsored by the European Commission!!! As announced on the eTwinning portal, the European Commission will invite you to the final conference on the … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο

ICT integration in Schools

Activities of our eTwinning project Monumental Europe and Food 4 all are included in the on paper and digital publication of scenarios and activities designed by Greek teachers with integrated use of technology for Primary and Secondary Education. Huge thanks … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο

European eTwinning conference in Warsaw

eTconf18 rocks!  So many great people at the 14th European eTwinning conference  in Warsaw, Poland, 24-27 October 2018. I was very happy to present the eTwinning project Monumental Europe at the TeachMeet 2, Session II, age category 4-11, in the … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο