Αρχείο μηνός Σεπτέμβριος 2019

The Book of Global Goals

The Book of Global Goals was written by a team of teachers from around the world in collaboration with the Jane Goodall Institute. I  translated and edited the Greek edition and I truly hope it will be useful to many … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Global Goals, SDGs | Ετικέτες: , , , , , , , | 1 σχόλιο

Mars 2020

Ready to fly with the Mars 2020 rover!   9410209,Total Names Submitted https://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/mars2020/certificate/485666043441  

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2019-2020

MIE Experts are part of an exclusive program created to recognize global educator visionaries using technology to pave the way for better learning and student outcomes. MIE Experts help shape the future– they work hand-in-hand with Microsoft to lead innovation … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Micrososft | Ετικέτες: , | Γράψτε σχόλιο