Robo-recycling «Ανακυκλώνω με ρομπότ στον τόπο που γεννήθηκαν οι Ολυμπιακές Αξίες»

The project “Roborecycling at the birthplace of the Olympic Values” –  «Ανακυκλώνω με ρομπότ στον τόπο που γεννήθηκαν οι Ολυμπιακές Αξίες» was among the 21 educational activities in 24 kindergartens’ and primary schools’   supported by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation in school year 2015-16. You can see the announcement here  and the results here  in Greek.

John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, wishing to support the creativity developed during educational and teaching procedure within primary education, invites teachers to submit original educational activities proposals that will take place during 2015-206 in kindergartens and primary schools of remote areas (except islands and northern border regions of Greece), as well as kindergartens and primary schools belonging to to the Directorate of Primary Education of Central Greece, Peloponnese and Western Greece.

It was a fantastic project both for the students and us, the teachers!

The page of the project is the here



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