Gaia’s Buddies

Gaia’s Buddies is a collaborative eTwinning project which aimed to raise students’ awareness of environmental problems. Students from Greece and Italy worked on the problems our planet faces, such as climate change and endangered animals, collaborated, experimented, made construction of Knowledge, made presentations and shared their findings. enhancing their motivation and creativity. Through the pedagogical use of ICT, students were able to develop their cognitive and social skills as well as to communicate and exchange information and material. 

Students collaborated and made presentations, created the logo of the project,  took part in the discussions in the forum,  made  the Creativity Calendar and the collaborative digital story The Green Planet,  created interactive games for Climate Change and Sustainability, reflected and evaluated the project. 

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο

The Adventures of Olympic Mascoteers

The Adventures of Olympic Mascoteers” is a collaborative project which we coordinated with Valentyna Gatalska and Nesli Özcan. The students of the 1st Primary School of Pyrgos collaborated with the students of the Kyiv Gymnasium Troyeschyna in Kiev, Ukraine, and their peers from the Ahmet Mete Işıkara İlkokulu in Akdeniz, Turkey and, with the pedagogical integration of ICT, they participated, designed and reflected on a variety of enriching learning activities.


The project focuses on the Olympic Games, the Olympic spirit, and the healthy and balanced way of life. Students from Greece, Ukraine and Turkey participated in collaborative national and transnational activities in order to learn more about the Olympic Games in the Ancient and Modern times, about national and international Olympic Athletes, and about the fundamental Olympic Values. They constructed knowledge developing an intercultural dialogue, created mascots embodying the sports spirit and identifying core skills, made presentations, wrote haiku poems, made handicraft and participated in the Olympic Orizuru Peace Action.

Peace is beautiful
Sharing, loving, helping, and
Thinking of others

Nektaria, 6th grade student

Peace seems like freedom
You can do it
With love, respect and hugs

Maria, 6th grade student



Κατηγορίες: Art, CLIL, eTwinning | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

We Give Peace a Chance, LS-GR-544

It is a great honor the Learning Scenario “We Give Peace a Chance ” I designed with the Europeana digital heritage resources is hosted in the Teaching with Europeana Blog  as it was among the winners of the European Competition 2021′

Most heartfelt thanks,  Europeana!

Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Rijksmuseum.

Κατηγορίες: Art, eTwinning, Europe, Europeana, Global Goals, SDGs | Ετικέτες: , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Europeana Education Competition 2021

The competition and the judging process for the Europeana Education Competition 2021. have come to an end and the “We Give Peace A Chance” project we did with my students at the 1st Primary School of Pyrgos, based on the Learning Scenario I designed with the resources of Europeana is among the winners of the Europeana Education Competition 2021 this year.

Therefore the Learning Scenario is going to be published on the 08/07/2021 in the Teaching with Europeana blog and featured in an Europeana Publication which will be disseminated online

The Europeana Education Competition 2021 in short

  • 89 participants
  • From 18 countries and European Schools
  • From 58 eligible applications, 42 were learning scenarios and 11 stories of implementation (many of which will be published in the upcoming weeks)

Competition Awards

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the original award, a workshop in Brussels, has been readapted:

The 20 winning participants from the Europeana Educational user group 2020-2021 will be featured in a Europeana Publication in September 2021 and their Learning Scenarios or Stories of Implementation will be disseminated online; European Schoolnet reserves the right to select an alternate winner in case of non-availability of the selected person.

The 4 winners non-members of the Europeana Educational user group 2020-2021 will be awarded a certificate and be given the opportunity to become members of the Europeana Education user group 2021-2022.

The winners’ best entries will be translated to 8 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Romanian, Polish and Turkish) and published as an online publication in each of these languages (plus English).

Prime example of integrating digital cultural to formal education, this booklet will be disseminated across Europe, to Ministries of Education, as well as teachers!!!

Κατηγορίες: Erasmus+, eTwinning, Europe, Europeana | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

We give peace a chance

We worked on the LS 3 European schools, Greece, the Czech Republic and France, and had the opportunity our 6th grade at the  1stPrimarySchoolofPyrgos Σημαία της Ελλάδας to present our collaborative work “We Give Peace a Chance” to the whole, world Βέλος προς τα δεξιά


Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο

The Days of Solutions

For Week 6 in the Goals Projects, we will join with a world of classrooms ready to take action on the Global Goals.




The final event of the project is the Day of Solution on March 4th, Thursday 2021

We have been preparing  our presentation. We are very excited!

Κατηγορίες: CLIL, SDGs, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Teacher Tech Summit Masterclass

T4 is a global organisation committed to providing engaging tools, initiatives, and events for teachers to improve education .

We can share our innovative use of educational technology over on the new Flipgrid, Teacher Tech Summit Masterclass Playlist:   Teacher Tech Summit page

Masterclass Playlist

Submit your video in English
2. You must be a teacher
3. Include your name, school, country & chosen theme (listed below) in your recording
4. Your video must be no more than 3 minutes
5. Include the theme in your title
6. Add a link eg use your Twitter or Facebook profile so other teachers can connect with you
7. Use your headshot as your Flipgrid selfie
8. Your Masterclass Pitch must focus on 1 of the following themes:
– How to design the learning experience for online environments
– Creating community in online classrooms
– How to create good digital content
– How to assess learning in online environments
– Ensuring equity and inclusion in online learning
Remember this is not about giving a lecture or speech, we want you to show your peers how you do something. Be practical. Show and tell! ????

11:59 pm GMT 28th February – the Grid will close automatically

Winners will be announced after the deadline in March


Κατηγορίες: T4, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

T4 Education

I am very excited to be  part of an inspirational educational community, T4 Education

Let’s share our our knowledge, our experience and our views on education with colleagues from around the world at the  at the TeacherTechSummit

  • T1: Teacher well being
  • T2: Teacher leadership
  • T3: Teacher technology
  • T4: Teacher collaboration


  • Prioritise teacher voice
  • Place schools at the centre of the conversation
  • Be inclusive
  • Be change makers


Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

The Goals Project

In the 2021 Goals Project  teachers from over 115 countries have joined in celebration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and taking action in the classroom. For this 6-week global collaboration project, we had the opportunity to meet international experts, work through inquiry and innovation, and collaborate with global classrooms as you together take on the Global Goals!

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Γράψτε σχόλιο


The project developed the critical thinking of our students in an innovative way, familiarizing them with the contributions of all these awe-inspiring women while identifying the issue of Gender Equality.

With inquiry based techniques, students discovered the reason why these women are inspirational and helped the world tremendously. They, then, produced their own multimodal work.

The activities were based on the principles of cognitive constructivism so that students could process the experiences they gained from the project, evaluate them and be able to build knowledge and positive attitudes.

The initial survey helped them realize the gender inequality in the decision makers of the community. With guided discovery and experiential engagement, students actively participated in national and transnational groups, collaboratively creating digital biographies for these women on a padlet.

Students used voice recordings to tell their story, greenscreen presentations to build an authentic link with these women,  digital posters to present the information their partners had shared, interactive posters with thinglink to include significant information in various forms of media and dioramas linked learning to unique creative experiences. Sharing their messages on Gender equality and messages of hope and health during the lockdown due to Covid 19 was a means to express their voice and build a rapport of solidarity.

Democratic participation was also promoted with the intercultural dialogue developed in the three forum discussions and the threefold reflective procedures of evaluation of the project. Interactive games and esafety rules were also inspired and produced enhancing digital literacy.

The pedagogical techniques used and the interaction achieved contributed to the development of students’ analytical-synthetic skills, their creativity, their respect for cultural diversity and the culture of collective spirit, enhanced them to take initiatives, and increased their empathy and confidence in an equitable learning environment.

Κατηγορίες: Art, CLIL, Erasmus+, eTwinning, Europe, Global Goals, Safer Internet, SDGs | Ετικέτες: , , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο