Reasons for drop-out from the perspective of teachers:
- lack of proper childcare, pathology families and poverty,
- school difficulties,
- misunderstanding between teachers and students
- fear of school, difficulties in commuting to school,
- bad company and subcultures; juvenile delinquency,
- conflicts with peers,
- reluctance to learn,
- underestimation the benefits of education,
- undertaking the work and the desire to earn money,
- personality disorder.
- Reasons for leaving school, according to students
- in the family,
- quarrels in the family and other family problems.
- accidents and help in the household,
- bullying and teasing cleducational problems that they have caused their parents,
- parental unemployment,
- alcoholism assmates,
- going under the bad influence of peers.
Reasons for leaving school according to parents
- reluctance to learn,
- school difficulties (bad grades, repeating a year)
- lack of money, poverty in the family,
- laziness,
- educational problems (truancy, fights, etc.)
- educational problems at home (escape etc.)
- parental unemployment,
- death in the family (accident, illness); illness of a child,
- alcoholism in the family.
- pregnancy,
- school initiative,
- bullying (teasing) mates,
- drug addiction
- bad influence of the peer / bad company,
- alcoholism
- family problems,
- no contact with the teacher / pupils,
- teachers abuse
- a child desire to become independent
The impact of teachers and schools should be focused on:
- supporting families with difficulties
- creating a supportive environment for the school success as well as out of school success
- combating reluctance to learn and poor motivation,
- providing supporting system for students with learning difficulties,
- relationships based on respect, interest, rapid response,
- prevention of violence and consistent extraction of sanctions in the case of violent
- creating safe, engaged, based on respect and understanding relationships,
- improving workshop with students with learning difficulties,
- adding to the curriculum content the elements of psycho-prophylaxis
- by referring to the examples of good practice how to deal with people in crisis situations
- spreading knowledge about mental illnesses, etc.
- coherent actions of the teaching staff in terms of supporting the students and developing the proper procedures “catch students at risk of drop-out”
- co-operation with the local community, especially with the third sector aiming at common interactions for students and monitoring the situation of families and students.