
  • The students created the logo and wrote the slogan of the project to in the logo and slogan contest held during the first meeting in Turkey
  • We prepared a power point presentation about the Italian educational system and the existing database on dropout in Italy
  • The students prepared a presentation about our school and about our city: Naples
  • We had T-shirts made with the logo and the slogan of the project designed by the Portuguese team. The teachers and the students wore them during the transnational meetings and in many school activities to promote the project 
  • We organised a survey in our school to identify the main reasons why the students drop-out from the school in order to know how to prevent this problem. We gave the tutor teachers of the first and the second year classes of our school, a questionnaire in which the main drop out reasons were indicated according to a study made by EURISPES (italian study organisation) on this topic. The tutor teachers indicated for each student at risk of dropping out, the reasons (2 or more) and how much (limited, sufficient, high) they influence. The students participating in the project collected and plotted the data on four graphs.
  • The project staff organised a meeting to discuss with the other teachers of the school the results of the survey. Following the results of our research, the group of teachers involved in the improvement plan of our school put the drop out prevention as a major priority.
  • To prevent drop out we introduced “Peer tutoring”in our didactic activity. This method intends to improve students’ classroom behaviour and change their attitude toward the school. Moreover the students can receive more time for individualized learning, feel more comfortable and open when interacting with a peer. 
  • For the students with learning difficulties were organised extra math and italian classes. 
  • We implemented new didactic strategies (laboratory activities, cooperative learning) in order to improve students’ motivation and reduce early school leaving
  • We arranged new extracurricular activities 
  • (theatre, Cinema days, visit to museums) in order to create a better school atmosphere and develop in the students a sense of belonging which contributes to prevent early school leaving
  • The Erasmus corner in the hall of the school informed the whole school community about the activities carried out for the project and their results
  • A power point presentation about “The evolution of school life in the students’ hometown or their parents’ hometown for a better understanding of today’s school “ was prepared. We selected six photos about the school in Italy in the past and in the present and sent it to Poland for the photo exibition held during the Transnational meeting.
  • The students interviewed their parents and relatives and made research on the internet, then wrote some short texts on the evolution of the education in Italy. The best one was sent to Poland. These researchs were very useful to understand the students’ point of view about the school.
  • Students gave their opinion about the ideal school filling in a questionnaire
  • Teachers and students selected from the internet two icebreaking games for the booklet prepared by Turkish team.
  • The students interviewed their friends which have dropped out the school to understand the reasons and to know if they regret leaving the school. They wrote their stories.
  • The students selected the best Good sayings and proverbs about the education
  • During the transnational meeting in Naples to promote the project, the students coming from the partner school were interviewed by a journalist and the article about their experiences was published on a local newspaper.
  • At the beginning of the school year we gave all the students attending the first class a questionnaire to investigate their family conditions and/or personal problems. The psychological counselling group of the school (CIC) helped the students with problems.
  • During the Open Day of our school we prepared a stand about our project and the students and the teachers participating in the project, illustrated the related activities to the families and the future studentsDuring the month of January a group of teachers regularly goes to lower secondary schools of our district to describe our school teaching programs and to improve the selection of our school by younger students and families.
  • We organised a seminar for teachers and students about bullying. A psychologist and a social worker illustrated how to manage bullying at school that, according to the survey is one of the reasons for dropping out the school 
  • For job counselling, our students participated in Universities’ of Naples presentations, “Orientasud” (a convention for education and job orientation), Military Aeronautics Academy presentation, “Interpreters and translator school” presentations.
  • We send an abstract about our project to the National School Convention ”that will be held in Naples October 2016 (we will illustrate the outcome of our project and our reflections)