
Co-operation and communication will continue among partners. Experiences, results and suggestions  concerning the project will be available at the website created specifically for the project, on the websites of participating schools, on the e-twinning platform and on the facebook page of our National Agency.

Teachers will be able to feedback and renew their teaching approaches.

Teachers involved in the project will disseminate experience and knowledge to their colleagues at local schools.

We will continue our project activities such as peer-coaching, student coaching and be a model to other schools with the good results of these activities.

We will continue to cooperate with the Education Department of University to learn new developments and approaches on “how to keep students at school and prevent early school leaving”. We will organise meetings with the counsellors and teachers of local schools in our district to share information and improve new strategies to keep students at school.

We will continue to work on improving the atmosphere of our school with the support of Local Authorities and Parents’ Association in cooperation with teachers, students and directors. 

The experience with “Peer Counsellors” will be adopted and used in many different classes. New teachers and new peer counsellors will have training sessions to get prepared to start acting and the whole process will be monitored in order to improve its results. Experts on the topic “preventing early school leaving” are being invited to come to school and hold some training sessions, to guide and inspire participants. The local Teacher Training Centre is getting involved as a partner, so as to provide further knowledge on the topic and disseminate the results of the experience.