
  • We prepared a power point presentation about the Greek National Educational System and the existing database on dropout in Greece.
  • The students prepared a presentation about our school and a presentation about the town and the district of Xanthi. 
  • The students wrote slogans and created the logo for the project. 
  • The Portuguese partner prepared the design of the project t-shirts with the slogan and the logo of the project. Each partner made the t-shirts to wear them during visits and the current school activities in order to advertise the project goals and disseminate the project.
  • Our school, 2nd General Lyceum of Xanthi organized a seminar for the teachers in Xanthi in March 2015. A university lecturer from the Psychological Counselling and Guidance Department of the Faculty of the Education talked about bullying .
  • New approaches, experiences and practical possibilities to reduce the number of early school leaving were sought. 
  • Students prepared Power point presentations (photos and text) about the evolution of school life in the students
  • ‘hometown or their parents’ hometown for a better understanding of today’s school. The best six photos were printed on format A4 and were accompanied with a short comment on this topic. These photos were sent to Poland to be used in a photo exhibition before the meeting.
  • Students wrote a short text reflecting on the evolution of education (30-40 words). The best was sent to Poland to be integrated in the exhibition together with other partners’ texts.
  • Our school, prepared a collection of two innovative games and activities for team formation, acquaintance and breaking ice between the team members, to boost confidence, promote teamwork, etc. from each partner school. The games were sent to Turkish partner who prepared a booklet which was put to the project web.
  • The teachers visited the 2nd Chance School and interviewed students who dropped out
  • Good sayings and proverbs about education were written by the students.
  • Students of our school wrote a text and prepared a questionnaire about “How can we change school in order to reduce early school leaving and they filled it.
  • Our students and teachers visited an exhibition about universities studies
  • We presented the project works of students as well as the photos of the transnational meetings on the Erasmus Corner.
  • We conducted a survey with people who dropped out and talked about their experience.
  • We presented our project at a meeting in Kavala as “good practice” approach
  • We presented our project to the local community and educational authorities in our city center.

In order to disseminate the results / conclusions of the project we realized the following:

  • There were Erasmus + boards in all partners schools which were continually filled with new material
  • After every meeting all the information shared was uploaded on an e-paper
  • There was an interview about project which we broadcast to the local TV channel
  • Our school presented the development of the project as a ‘good practice’ approach in a conference related to the Erasmus+ in Kavala
  • There was a meeting at Z-Palace hotel: The topic was: The new Lyceum and the access to university studies – The reality in modern high- school education
  • There was an Erasmus+ night held in the school library, Students who participated in the project as well as their parent were informed about the evaluation of the project
  • The school stuff also were informed
  • The dissemination of the project conclusions/suggestions was achieved through an ESPY conference organized by the region of Eastern Macedonia-Trace and primary Education Faculty of Democritus University
  • The School published the project results to the e-twining platform.