Άρθρα με ετικέτα collaboration

Cultural Diversity in Your Classroom

Cultural Diversity in Your Classroom, on  School Education Gateway , started on February the 20th and finished on March 12th, 2017. This Teacher Academy course series on cultural diversity and newly arrived migrants builds substantially on the work Alicia and … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, Education, eTwinning, School Education Gateway | Ετικέτες: , , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Forest Friends

This year the 2nd graders are taking part in an environmental project about the forest. They are also working on an eTwinning project called  “Forest Friends” with an Italian school. On March 6th, Monday between 6 and 7  in the … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Ecology, Education, eTwinning, European School Radio, Internet | Ετικέτες: , , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Cooperative learning and assessment

From the 15th until the 26th February 2017 the etwinning L.E. Cooperative learning and assessment, organized by Rosa Gaspar took place. eTwinning is an opportunity for the promotion of cooperative learning, projecting and implementing of a cooperative network in the … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, Education, eTwinning, Internet | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Art in Us, Art in the hands of the children

The Art in Us project encouraged pupils from the third grade of the 8th Primary School to use forms of art in a dynamic, original and imaginative way. Music, dance, singing and painting are the mediators that enabled the young … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Core Values in eTwinning projects

My paper  “Core Values in eTwinning projects” is included in the sixth newsletter of the eTwinning Visibility Group ISSN 2247-6881, which was published on August 3rd, 2016. The paper discusses the dynamic of eTwinning projects. It describes the values that … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning | Ετικέτες: , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Together is Better

In May Irene Pateraki organized a very successful and inspiring Learning Event called  “LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much” . In this Learning Event we discovered what collaboration is … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

PBL course in the summer

Implementing PBL in our Classroom was organized by School Education Gateway and European Schoolnet. Coping with a new course at the end of the school year seemed rather difficult…Thanks to the moderators and colleagues, their enthusiasm, their sharing of knowledge … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Erasmus+ | Ετικέτες: , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

“Using Design Thinking to foster Entrepreneurial Skills and Mindset”

  The webinar on the eTwinning platform focussed on entrepreneurial skills and mindsets and how innovative teaching methods can foster such skills and mindsets in our students.     Kornélia Lohyňová talked about how we can use a “Design Thinking” … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: eTwinning | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Stay Safe on the internet

On Thursday, June 16th 2016, at the Conference Center of Regional Unity Ilia Pyrgos, there was  workshop on “Presentation of the thematic network” Internet Security »- E-Twinning and Erasmus +: Expanding horizons of the learning process.”    Twenty-three teachers from … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Internet, Safer Internet, Χωρίς κατηγορία | Ετικέτες: , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Recycling end of school year event

End of year school event on June 14th- a tribute to our project about recycling supported by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Mathainoume Parea-Learning Together project. Only joy can we feel when we see the children talk about … Συνέχεια

Κατηγορίες: Art, Ecology, Recycling | Ετικέτες: , , , , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο