Αρχική » LTTAs

Αρχείο κατηγορίας LTTAs

International Roma Day

Roma in Portugal

Presentations about Roma in the area and the educational system during the LTTA in Portugal  at the partner school Agrupamento de Escolas de S. João da Talha

PT Roma in Portugal

PT Portuguese Educational System

Portugal Guide for Roma in Education

ROMA 01 small

Presentation about the school  Agrupamento de Escolas de S. João da Talha practices together with Municipality

PT Best practices for Roma education

LTTA 3 Portugal Report

Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810

The third LTTA took place between 05-10 March 2023 in Portugal, Lisbon, our host organization was  Agrupamento de Escolas de S. João da Talha.

4 participants from each partner arrived – professionals and teachers who work with Roma students, Roma mediators and Roma teaching assistants.

The main theme was Roma and school: a difficult relationship.

After introduction of participants and presentation of the aims and objectives of the training, we could meet the representatives of TECHARI, which is a national and international gipsy association. This organization works for and with members of the gypsy ethnic group and aims at social integration coring out mediations and social intervention actions for this purpose. Each partner agreed that one of the main goals is to promote greater socialization between different cultures and reduce existing ethnic and cultural differences and we shared our experiences with each other in this field. (περισσότερα…)

LTTA 2 Bulgaria Report


Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810

The second LTTA took place between 03-07 October 2022 in Bulgaria, Kazanlak. The participants were professionals and teachers that work with Roma students and Roma people.

The participants of the meeting arrived at Bulgaria on the 2nd of October, most of them by plane, some of them by car. On Monday, 3rd of October 2022, the guests were welcomed at Vocational School of Transport and Management, the headmaster, Dechko Peychinov opened the meeting.

The participants could meet the representatives of local Social Service, Education Department and non-governmental organization from Stara Zagora region.

During the five working days, we could share different methods of teaching and learning (e.g.  tale, historical event, a concept/ ethical category, music). We discussed about the using of action methods and visual tools as effective way of teaching in mixed ability classes, classes with children from different ethnic background, reluctant learners who often fail state exams or draw the test scores down.


LTTA 1 Hungary Report

Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810

2nd report

LTTA in Hungary

22-26 November 2022

The first LTTA took place between 22-26 November 2022 in Hungary, Jászberény. The main goal of the meeting was to gain deep insight into the Hungarian education system with the purpose to get to know how the Hungarian educational institutions succeed to integrate roma students into the education, which projects and measures are available to prevent roma students from early school-leaving both on local and national level.

Due to the COVID situation in Hungary the venues of the events were relocated, receiving guests at schools and all educational institutions was regulated by governmental measures, thus the professional parts of the meeting were held at the conference room of the Zoo.

During the meeting the participants had opportunity to take part in a discussion in the form of round table with teachers, headmasters and experts. (περισσότερα…)

The Roma strategy of association “Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete” Hungary

ROMA 01 small

The Roma strategy of association “Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete”, related to support of Roma families

The city of Jászberény has nine twin cities, it means that the different activities of the association are strongly connected to the activities of all the twin cities. Four of them have larger Roma communities.

These are: 

1./ Sucha Beskidzka (Poland),

2./ Conselve (Italy)

3./ Gyimesfelsőlok (Romania)

4./ Nitra (Slovakia)

We regularly exchange experiences with the educational institutions and civil organizations of the four twin cities regarding the support of Roma students and families.

The Gypsy population moved to Europe from India approx. 700 years ago. It was the “lowest”, poorest caste, which was divided into several strata, consisting of horse traders and tinsmiths. The musical gypsies were a separate class. The poorest made up the “tented” gypsies, who constantly travelled with their horse-drawn carts. This was typical for Hungary as well.

There are just few typical family models, the most relevant characteristics of them are the casual labor and giving birth to many children. As a result, their family model hardly changed, which was a cohesive closed community with many children. The children typically continued the family life they saw from their parents. They didn’t go to school, they got married early, they gave birth to children at the age of 14-16, due to this fact there were 6-10 children in a family. (περισσότερα…)

LTTA 2 in Hungary -by Spanish team

The second LTTA in Hungary

Learning together to be inclusive 

A PowerPoint presentation of LTTA 2 events and activities

ES LTTA 2 HUNGARY by Spanish team

puppet show 155667 1280

Roma football girls


Watch a video about a great football team by Roma girls 


National Roma Integration – 2014 review Key steps taken since 2011



Two-year obligatory pre-schooling introduced with language training if needed.

Gradual introduction of all-day school.

In three years (2010-2013), a Bulgar­ian educational project has brought down the number of children who drop out of school by almost 80%


80-95 Roma mediators appointed in local employment offices.

Community Development Centres (CDC) promoting the employment of young people and women in margin­alised Roma communities were set up in 11 municipalities.

Job fairs targeted at the most disad­vantaged including Roma.


Mobile medical units and mediators in areas where the majority lacks health insurance.

X-ray, immunisation of children, medi­cal and gynaecological exams, screen­ings and prevention of HIV and TB.

Health education and awareness-raising campaigns.

Increase in the number of Roma health mediators.


Launch of an EU co-financed hous­ing initiative to provide quality homes within an integrated approach (ad­dressing also employment, education and health challenges simultaneously) for Roma people in 4 municipalities (Burgas, Dupinitsa, Vidin, Devnya). The municipalities of Varna, Peshtera and Tundzha are also considering taking up this initiative.

Anti-discrimination (περισσότερα…)


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