Αρχική » LTTAs » LTTA 1 Hungary Report

LTTA 1 Hungary Report

Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810

2nd report

LTTA in Hungary

22-26 November 2022

The first LTTA took place between 22-26 November 2022 in Hungary, Jászberény. The main goal of the meeting was to gain deep insight into the Hungarian education system with the purpose to get to know how the Hungarian educational institutions succeed to integrate roma students into the education, which projects and measures are available to prevent roma students from early school-leaving both on local and national level.

Due to the COVID situation in Hungary the venues of the events were relocated, receiving guests at schools and all educational institutions was regulated by governmental measures, thus the professional parts of the meeting were held at the conference room of the Zoo.

During the meeting the participants had opportunity to take part in a discussion in the form of round table with teachers, headmasters and experts.

Throughout the presentation of dr.Lóránt Réz (headmaster of Palotás János Music School) Ferenc Földi, (headmaster of Csete Balázs Primary School in Jászkisér) and Zsuzsa Horváth (teacher of Klapka György Vocational Secondary School) the partners could gain insight into the Hungarian integration programs on institutional level.

In the framework of this program the participants were offered the possibility to change experiences, good practices related to the topic of the project, taking into consideration all cultural diversities.

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The Library in Jászberény plays a significant role in the cultural life of Jászberény, contributing to the development of social, communication and reading skills of the children, not to mention the fact that the institution is of great importance connected to the integration of social disadvantaged students involving the roma children.

Participating in the authentic workshops our guests could experience how roma students can be integrated with help of activities in the library. Our partners visited the venue of story telling competition and further club activities, they participated in interactive workshops related to the local handicrafts, animated by the staff of Hamza Museum.

Besides the colourful professional program the partners visited the Municipality of Jászberény, where they were received by the Mayor of Jászberény, Lóránt Budai.


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