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TPM 3 Kos Models Shaping REF Interventions

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REF has extensive experience and knowledge surrounding the types of interventions in and approaches to Roma education. REF currently structures its grants around five good practice models for achieving impact in different countries and policy settings.

Embedding effective models for Roma education requires strong partnerships with national and local education authorities and implies intense communication with them throughout the process of adjusting best practice models to national and local contexts.

Model 1

Expanding Access to Preschool Education: Early Childhood Education

REF’s early childhood education model aims to improve the school readiness and early childhood development outcomes of Romani children under age six by improving the enrollment and attendance in the mainstream preschool services; enhancing the parenting skills and improving the practices of Romani parents; strengthening the link between parents and preschool and kindergarten facilities; and raising the quality of early childhood education services, such as teaching and learning methods.

Model 2

Avoiding Early School Leaving in Primary Education

The primary education model intends to improve the primary education outcomes of Romani children aged between six and fourteen by supporting primary education enrollment and school-after-school programs (tutoring and mentoring) with improved access (enrollment) to primary education, preventing early school leaving, enhancing parental skills, and strengthening the link between parents and schools, providing remedial classes to children and offering professional support and guidance to school staff and authorities.

Model 3

Expanding Access to Secondary Education

The secondary education model aims to improve the academic performance of students and to maintain the retention and graduation rate of Romani secondary school students through better outreach, provision of scholarships, school-based mentorship support and tutorship support.

Model 4

Expanding Access to Higher Education

The higher education model includes the component of RomaVersitas, a program intended to improve the retention, performance and graduation levels of Romani full-time tertiary education students. RomaVersitas provides academic tutoring and mentoring to help strengthen students’ Romani identity and community participation. This model consists of compulsory and optional components. It serves as a bridge for young Romani scholars and includes scholarships, mentoring, tutoring and additional training in professional development and foreign language competences.

Model 5

Second Chance Programs for Adult Functional Literacy and Formal School Completion

The adult education and training model aims to improve the education level and employment prospects for young Romani adults. It provides those with incomplete primary and/or secondary education with tutoring and financial support for completing formal primary and/or secondary education. This model also aims to improve the literacy and social communication skills of illiterate and semi-literate Romani parents (mainly mothers) of preschool- and school-age children and enhance their involvement in their children’s education through provision of non-formal literacy and social communication skills trainings.




Roma in Italy

Presentations of IPALBTUR about Roma in the area and educational practices for their inclusion


IT Presentation of School Ipalb Tur

IT Real opportunities for ROMA students

LTTA 2 in Hungary -by Spanish team

The second LTTA in Hungary

Learning together to be inclusive 

A PowerPoint presentation of LTTA 2 events and activities

ES LTTA 2 HUNGARY by Spanish team

puppet show 155667 1280

LTTA 1 Hungary

LTTA 1 held at Gyorgy Vocational School Hungary from 22/11 to 26/11/2021

Title: New Roma generations are growing: inequalities, resources

Training schedule:

Day 1 – Introduction of participants: a brief welcome by the trainers and an activity allowing participants to get to know each other and to learn some elements about their specific work contexts. Presentation of the aims and objectives of the training, as well as some of the main elements behind the training approach. Education in Roma communities. Closing the gap between schools and families Assessing Roma students’ needs (περισσότερα…)


Δραστηριότητα που υλοποιήθηκε στο Γυμνάσιο Ζηπαρίου στα πλαίσια του σχεδίου Erasmus  “Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students»

Κουίζ με θέμα την αδελφοσύνη όλων των παιδιών του κόσμου και τη στάση του Χριστιανισμού απέναντι σε κάθε είδους διακρίσεις

Δεν δουλεύουν οι σύνδεσμοι, η δραστηριότητα παρατίθεται ως ιδέα



TPM 1 Spain


Centro Concertado Leonardo da Vinci OID E10256376, Address Calle San Francisco, 50,Los Belones, Murcia, Spain invites teachers for the first project meeting of the project «Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students» which will be held from 21st to 22nd September 2021 at our school.

The Meeting Agenda is as follows


Presentation of partners

Presentation of the project

Presentation of educational systems

Financial and managerial management of the project

Task and responsibilities of partners (περισσότερα…)

Council of Europe Scolarisation of Roms

Educational material Presented and discussed to all partner schools

Country : Greece (Sofades) & Croatia (Kuršances)

Professional Hotel and Tourism Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services (I.P.Alb.- Tur.)


The Professional Hotel and Tourism Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services (I.P.Alb.- Tur.), Provides a five-year curriculum, divided as follows:
• a first two-year period that allows the learner to become familiar with all professional profiles offered by this school institution;
• a second two-year and a fifth year ending with the State Exam and the issue of the Diploma of Professional maturity related to the following joints: Service worker for food and wine:
Kitchen sector Employee for food and wine services: Option “artisan confectionery products and industrial companies “(introduced in school year 2015-16) Salesperson for food and wine services: Hall and Sales Sector Service worker for Hotel Hospitality. (περισσότερα…)

Gymnasio Zipariou Kos Greece

Gymnasio Zipariou, Greece

Gymnasio Zipariou is a public school on the island of Kos. The school receives students from four small villages at a rural area around the city. It offers general secondary education and it has 25 teachers and 300 students, aged 12-15. The area of the school has received many immigrant and refugee families that work in the agricultural sector and the hotel industry. The students come from different social, financial and cultural backgrounds. The school aims at improving the education and the school life of all the students.


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