Submitted for adoption by OLME and DOE (Greece) to the ETUCE Conference, the Regional Conference of Education International, meeting in Budapest on 26-28 November 2012
The ETUCE Conference notes that on the 7th of November 2012 the Greek Government voted in favour of all the new measures (agreed with the troika) worth of 13,5 Billion Euros. All measures, contained in just one article, included new dramatic cuts in salaries, pensions and social goods, new taxes and measures leading to deteriorating teachers’ working conditions, abolition of collective agreements, public sector lay offs etc.). Those measures were added to the previous cutbacks (2010-11-12). Teachers have lost up to 45% of their salary within the last three years.
Unemployment is over 30%, and one out of two young people is unemployed. Poverty and misery are spread over larger social groups. Suicides have increased significantly. A severe social crisis is about to hit the country hard.
The ETUCE Conference supports the Greek member organisations in their resistance to the neo-liberal policies implemented by the government inGreeceand calls for coordinated action by member organisations acrossEuropeagainst similar policies where they are implemented inEurope.
The ETUCE Conference also condemns the arrest of trade unionists inGreece, who were protesting against the austerity measures undertaken by the troika inGreece.
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