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3 Ιούλ 2022

Toad in the Hole

Συντάκτης: Κων/νος Βούλγαρης | Κάτω από: Εκπαίδευση στον 21ο αιώνα

Toad in the Hole
«Φρύνος (είδος βατράχου) μέσα στην τρύπα»

The unusually named toad in the hole is a traditional British delicacy consisting of a number of sausages baked in a Yorkshire pudding batter. The dish is traditionally served with vegetables, mashed potatoes, and onion gravy on the side.

It was invented in the 18th century, when batter puddings first became popular. The name of the dish comes from its visual appearance—the sausages are reminiscent of frogs which are peering out from a crevice. Originally, toad in the hole was considered a vulgar dish, and over time it slid down the social scale and became a staple of workers’ diet.

batter κουρκούτι
Yorkshire pudding batter: pancake mix cooked in the oven


Toad in the Hole

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