It costs ‘an arm and a leg’ (it’s very expensive)

Costa un occhio della testa= It costs an eye of the head (Italian)
Κοστίζει τα μαλλιοκέφαλά μου (Kostizi ta maliokefala mou) =It costs the hair of my head (Greek)
Ca coûte un bras = That costs an arm (French)
Det kostar skjortan = It costs you the shirt (Swedish)
Skupo je kao suho zlato. = It’s expensive as pure gold. (Croatian)
Stojí to celý majetok. = It costs a fortune. (Slovak)

The early bird catches the worm

Il mattino ha l’oro in bocca= Every morning has some gold in its mouth (Italian)
‘Οποιος πρόλαβε τον Κύριον είδε (opios prolave ton Kyrio ide) =He who hurried saw the Lord (Greek)
Morgonstund har guld i mun = Morning hour has gold in its mouth (Swedish)
L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt = The future belongs to the people who get up early ( French )
Ranní ptáče dál doskáče. = An early bird will jump futher. (Czech)
Tko rano rani dvije sreće grabi. = One who gets up early is doubly lucky. (Croatian)
Ranné vtáča rosa zmáča. = The early bird is sprinkled by dew. (Slovak)

You can’t judge a book by its cover

L’abito non fa il monaco= The clothing doesn’t make the monk (Italian)
Τα ράσα δεν κάνουν τον παπά (ta rassa den kanoun ton papa) =The robes do not make the priest (Greek)
L’habit ne fait pas le moine= The habit does not make the monk. (French) (French)
Man ska inte döma hunden efter håren = You are not supposed to judge the dog by its fur (Swedish)
Nie je všetko zlato čo sa blyští. = Not every glittering thing is gold. (Slovak)
Odijelo ne čini čovjeka. = A suit doesn’t make a man. (Croatian)

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Non dire gatto se non l’hai nel sacco= Don’t say cat if you don’t have it in your sack (Italian)
Μηδένα προ του τέλους μακάριζε (Midena pro tou telous makarize) = Call no man happy until he dies (Greek)
Man ska inte sälja skinnet förrän björnen är skjuten = Don´t sell the hide until the bear is shot (Swedish)
Il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué = you mustn’t sell the skin of the bear before killing it (French)
Pripremati ražanj, a zec je u šumi. = Don’t prepare a barbacue while the rabbit is still in the forest. (Croatian)
Nekrič “hop” kým nepreskočíš. = Don’t shout „hop“ before you jump. (Slovak)

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Ο φίλος στην ανάγκη φαίνεται (o filos stin anagi fenete) = You see who is your friend in case of need (Greek)
Gli amici si vedono nel momento del bisogno= In times of need you discover who your friends are (Italian)
Prawdziwego przyjaciela poznaje się w biedzie = you know your real friend when you are in need (Polish)
I nöden prövas vännen = In need the friend is put to the test (Swedish)
C’est dans le besoin qu’on reconnait ses vrais amis = it’s in the need that one recognizes their real friends (French)
Prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje. = You will know who your true friends are when hard times come. (Croatian)
V núdzi poznáš priateľa. = If you are in trouble you get to know your friend. (Slovak)

You can’t have your cake and eat it too

Non si può avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca = You can’t have a full barrel and a drunk wife (Italian)
Δεν μπορείς να έχεις και τον σκύλο χορτάτο και την πίτα ολόκληρη (den boris na ehis ke ton skilo hortato ke tin pita olokliri) =
You can’t have both a dog who has satisfied its hunger and a whole pie (Greek)
Nie możesz mieć ciastka i zjeść ciastka = you can’t eat a biscuit and have a biscuit (Polish)
Man kan inte äta kakan och ha den kvar = You can not eat the cookie and still have it (Swedish)
On ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre.=You can’t have the butter and the cash too.(French)
Ne možeš imati i ovce i novce. = You can’t have both sheep and money. (Croatian)
Nemôže byť aj koza celá aj vlk sýty. = The goat can´t stay alive, if the wolf is full. (Slovak)

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Asino vecchio non prende lezioni =An old donkey takes no lessons (Italian)
Παλιός γάιδαρος καινούργια περπατησιά δεν κάνει (Palios gaidaros kenourgia perpatissia den kani) =
An old donkey can’t learn a new way of walking (Greek)
On n’apprends pas au vieux singe à faire la grimace = You can’t teach an old donkey how to make faces (French)
Man kan inte lära gamla hundar att sitta = You can´t teach an old dog how to sit (Swedish)
Starého psa novým súskom nenaučíš. = You can´t teach an old dog new tricks. (Slovak)
It costs ‘an arm and a leg’ (it’s very expensive)
Costa un occhio della testa= It costs an eye of the head (Italian)
Κοστίζει τα μαλλιοκέφαλά μου (Kostizi ta maliokefala mou) =It costs the hair of my head (Greek)
Ca coûte un bras = That costs an arm (French)
Det kostar skjortan = It costs you the shirt (Swedish)
Skupo je kao suho zlato. = It’s expensive as pure gold. (Croatian)
Stojí to celý majetok. = It costs a fortune. (Slovak)

Back to the drawing board! (it’s time to start all over again)

Ricominciare da zero= To start again from zero (Italian)
Börja om från ruta ett = Start over again from square one (Swedish)
Retour a la case depart = back to the starting square (French )
Vratiti se na početak. = To go back to start. (Croatian)
Otočme list. = Turn the page. (Slovak)
Αρχίζω απο το μηδέν (Arhizo apo to miden) =Starting from zero (Greek)

Kill two birds with one stone (accomplish two things at the same time)

Prendere due piccioni con una fava = Catch two pigeons with a fava bean (Italian)
Με ένα σμπάρο δυό τριγόνια (me ena sbaro dio trigonia)= Two turtle doves with one shot (Greek)
Faire d’une pierre deux coups = launch twice with one stone (French)
Slå två flugor i en smäll = To kill two flies with one hit (Swedish)
Jednim udarcem ubiti dvije muhe. = To kill two flies with one hit. (Croatian)
Zabiť dve muchy jednou ranou. Kill two flies by one hit. (Slovak)

It’s a piece of cake! (it’s very easy)

C’est simple comme bonjour! : it’s as easy as hello (French)
Είναι παιχνιδάκι (Ine pehnidaki) = It’s an easy game (Greek)
E’ facile come bere un bicchier d’acqua =It’s as easy as drinking a glass of water (Italian)
Det är lätt som en plätt = It´s as easy as a small pancake (Swedish)
To je igrarija. = It’s like a game. (Croatian)
Ide to ako po masle. = It goes like on butter. (Slovak)

Speak of the devil! (when you speak of someone and they suddenly arrive)

Κατά φωνή και ο γάιδαρος ( kata foni kai o gaidaros) = Speaking of the donkey (Greek)
Si parla del diavolo e spuntano le corna= You talk about the devil and its horns come up (Italian)
När man talar om trollen så står de i farstun = When you are speaking about the trolls they are standing in the entrance hall (Swedish)
Quand on parle du loup! = When we speak of the wolf! ( French )
Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata. = We are talking about the woolf and the woolf comes to the door. (Croatian)
Spomeň čerta. = Mention the devil. (Slovak)

It’s raining cats and dogs! (it’s raining a lot)

Βρέχει καρεκλοπόδαρα (vrehi kareklopodara) =it is raining chair legs (Greek)
Piove a catinelle= It is raining in buckets (Italian)
Il pleut des cordes= It’s raining ropes (French)
Regnet står som spön i backen = The rain stands like switches on the hills (Swedish)
Lije ko iz kabla. = It’s pouring as from a bucket. (Croatian)
Leje ako z krhly. = It pours as from a watering can. (Slovak)

To take a French leave (to leave without advising anyone)

Παίρνει άδεια απο την σημαία (perni adia apo tin simea) = To take a leave from the flag (Greek)
Filer à l’anglaise = To take an English leave (French)
This idiom doesn´t exist in Swedish!!!
Andarsene all’inglese= to take an English leave (Italian)
Zmiznúť ako gáfor. = Disappear as camphor. (Slovak)

The idioms and proverbs above were translated in 6-7 different European languages as part of the eTwinning project to celebrate the European Day of Languages 2015

Μόνιμος σύνδεσμος σε αυτό το άρθρο: https://blogs.sch.gr/1gymchal/2015/09/19/agglikes-paroimies-kai-metafrasi-se-e/

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