Let’s celebrate the European Day of Languages

top-banner-2015_ELWhat do we celebrate this day?

Over 200 languages are spoken on a daily basis in Europe; add to that the number of languages spoken by the people from outside Europe, but who work in Europe and you will see why languages are so important and why promoting multilingualism is a task of 2015.
The Council of Europe (the promoter and organizer of the European Language Day) encourages people to learn more languages, at any age, in and out of school, “being convinced that linguistic diversity is a tool for achieving greater intercultural understanding and a key element in the rich cultural heritage of our continent”.

Why learn a foreign language?

How can we learn a foreign language?

The 6th class of 22nd Primary School of Thessaloniki answer these questions for you in the above posts. Click on the posters to get a close up view.


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